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ASPxClientDashboard Class

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A client-side equivalent of the ASPxDashboard control.


declare class ASPxClientDashboard extends ASPxClientControl



A use of ASPxClientDashboard API reduces flexibility when you configure the control. The DashboardControl underlies the ASPxClientDashboard object. The control provides access to all client settings and allows you to implement complex scenarios. We recommend that you use the DashboardControl API to configure the Web Dashboard on the client. More information: Client-Side Functionality.



#CanClearMasterFilter(itemName) Method

Returns whether the specified master filter can be cleared in the current state.


    itemName: string
): boolean


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that specifies the component name of the master filter item.


Type Description

true if the specified master filter can be cleared in the current state; otherwise, false.


To clear the specified master filter item, use the ASPxClientDashboard.ClearMasterFilter method.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.canClearMasterFilter(itemName).

See Also

#CanPerformDrillDown(itemName) Method

Returns whether drill down is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item.


    itemName: string
): boolean


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that specifies the component name of the dashboard item.


Type Description

true, if drill down is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item; otherwise, false.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.canPerformDrillDown(itemName).

See Also

#CanPerformDrillUp(itemName) Method

Returns whether drill up is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item.


    itemName: string
): boolean


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that specifies the component name of the dashboard item.


Type Description

true, if drill up is possible in the current state of the specified dashboard item; otherwise, false.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.canPerformDrillUp(itemName).

See Also

#CanSetMasterFilter(itemName) Method

Returns whether master filtering can be applied in the current state of the specified master filter item.


    itemName: string
): boolean


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that specifies the component name of the master filter item.


Type Description

true if master filtering can be applied in the current state of the specified master filter item; otherwise, false.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.canSetMasterFilter(itemName).

See Also

#ClearMasterFilter(itemName) Method

Clears the specified master filter item.


    itemName: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that specifies the component name of the master filter item.


View the example for information on how to apply master filtering in the Web Dashboard on the client side:

View Example


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.clearMasterFilter(itemName).

See Also

#ExportDashboardItemToExcel(itemName) Method

Exports a dashboard item to an Excel file and writes it to the Response.


    itemName: string,
    options?: DashboardExcelExportOptions | ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions,
    fileName?: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that is the component name of the dashboard item to be exported.

options ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions | DashboardExcelExportOptions

The DashboardExcelExportOptions or ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions object that contains export options.

fileName string

A string that is a name of the exported file.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.exportDashboardItemToExcel.

See Also

#ExportDashboardItemToImage(itemName) Method

Exports a dashboard item to an Image file and writes it to the Response.


    itemName: string,
    options?: DashboardImageExportOptions | ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions,
    fileName?: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that is the component name of the dashboard item to be exported.

options ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions | DashboardImageExportOptions

The DashboardImageExportOptions or ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions object that contains export options.

fileName string

A string that is a name of the exported image.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.exportDashboardItemToImage

See Also

#ExportDashboardItemToPdf(itemName) Method

Exports a dashboard item to a PDF file and writes it to the Response.


    itemName: string,
    options?: DashboardPdfExportOptions | ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions,
    fileName?: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that is the component name of the dashboard item to be exported.

options ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions | DashboardPdfExportOptions

The DashboardPdfExportOptions or ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions object that contains export options.

fileName string

A string that is a name of the exported file.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.exportDashboardItemToPdf

See Also

#ExportToExcel Method

Exports dashboard data to the specified file in Excel format.


    options?: DashboardExcelExportOptions,
    fileName?: string
): void


Name Type Description
options DashboardExcelExportOptions

The DashboardExcelExportOptions object that contains export options.

fileName string

A string that is a name of the exported file.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.exportToExcel

#ExportToImage Method

Exports a dashboard to an Image file and writes it to the Response.


    options?: DashboardImageExportOptions | ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions,
    fileName?: string
): void


Name Type Description
options ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions | DashboardImageExportOptions

The DashboardImageExportOptions or js-ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions object that contains export options.

fileName string

A string that is a name of the exported image.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.exportToImage

See Also

#ExportToPdf Method

Exports a dashboard to a PDF file and writes it to the Response.


    options?: DashboardPdfExportOptions | ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions,
    fileName?: string
): void


Name Type Description
options ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions | DashboardPdfExportOptions

The DashboardPdfExportOptions or js-ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions object that contains export options.

fileName string

A string that is a name of the exported file.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.exportToPdf

See Also

#GetAvailableDrillDownValues(itemName) Method

Returns axis point tuples identifying elements that can be used to perform drill-down in the specified dashboard item.


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple[]


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that is the component name of the dashboard item.


Type Description

An array of ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple objects identifying elements that can be used to perform drill-down in the specified dashboard item.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getAvailableDrillDownValues.

See Also

#GetAvailableFilterValues(itemName) Method

Returns elements that can be selected in the master filter item’s current state (except Range Filter or Date Filter items).


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple[]


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that is the component name of the master filter item.


Type Description

An array of ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple objects identifying elements that can be selected in the current state of the master filter item.


For Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard items, call the GetCurrentRange(itemName) method to get the selected range.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getAvailableFilterValues.

See Also

#GetAvailablePredefinedRanges(itemName) Method

Returns names of the predefined ranges available for the specified Range Filter.


    itemName: string
): string[]


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string value that specifies the component name of the Range Filter dashboard item.


Type Description

An array of string values that are names of the available predefined ranges.


Use the GetAvailablePredefinedRanges method after the Range Filter has loaded data. When the Range Filter has no data to display, the GetAvailablePredefinedRanges method returns null.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getAvailablePredefinedRanges.

#GetCurrentDrillDownValues(itemName) Method

Returns the axis point tuple identifying the current drill-down state.


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that is the component name of the dashboard item.


Type Description

An ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple object representing a set of axis points.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getCurrentDrillDownValues.

See Also

#GetCurrentFilterValues(itemName) Method

Returns axis point tuples identifying currently selected elements in the master filter item.


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple[]


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that is the component name of the master filter item.


Type Description

An array of ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple objects identifying elements that can be selected in the current state of the master filter item.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getCurrentFilterValues

See Also

#GetCurrentPredefinedRange(itemName) Method

Returns the name of the currently selected predefined range.


    itemName: string
): string


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string value that specifies the component name of the Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.


Type Description

A string value that is the name of the currently selected predefined range.


Use the GetCurrentPredefinedRange method after the dashboard item loads data. When the Range Filter or Date Filter has no data to display, the GetCurrentPredefinedRange method returns null.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getCurrentPredefinedRange.

#GetCurrentRange(itemName) Method

Returns the currently selected range in the specified Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String value that specifies the component name of the Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.


Type Description

A ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection object that is the selected range.


Use the GetCurrentRange method after the dashboard item loads data. When the Range Filter or Date Filter has no data to display, the GetCurrentRange method returns null.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getCurrentRange.

See Also

#GetCurrentSelection(itemName) Method

Returns currently selected elements in the master filter item.


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple[]


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that specifies a component name of the master filter item.


Type Description

An array of ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple objects that identify currently selected elements.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getCurrentSelection.

See Also

#GetDashboardControl Method

Gets the DashboardControl instance.


GetDashboardControl(): any


Type Description

A DashboardControl instance.

See Also

#GetDashboardId Method

Gets the identifier of the dashboard that is displayed in the ASPxClientDashboard.


GetDashboardId(): string


Type Description

A String value that is the identifier of the dashboard displayed in the ASPxClientDashboard.


You can obtain the state of the displayed dashboard using the ASPxClientDashboard.GetDashboardState method.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.getDashboardId.

#GetDashboardState Method

Gets the current dashboard state.


GetDashboardState(): string


Type Description

A string value that identifies the state of the dashboard displayed in the ASPxClientDashboard.


To learn more about a dashboard state, see Manage Dashboard State.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.getDashboardState.

See Also

#GetEntireRange(itemName) Method

Returns the visible range for the specified Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String value that specifies the component name of the Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.


Type Description

A ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection object that is the visible range.


Use the GetEntireRange method after the dashboard item loads data. When the Range Filter or Date Filter has no data to display, the GetEntireRange method returns null.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getEntireRange.

See Also

#GetExcelExportOptions Method

Allows you to obtain options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to Excel format.


GetExcelExportOptions(): DashboardExcelExportOptions


Type Description

A DashboardExcelExportOptions object containing options related to exporting a dashboard item to Excel format.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.getExcelExportOptions.

See Also

#GetExportOptions Method

Obsolete. Returns settings that specify parameters affecting how the dashboard is exported.




Type Description

A ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions object containing settings that specify parameters affecting how the dashboard is exported.

See Also

#GetImageExportOptions Method

Allows you to obtain options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to an image.


GetImageExportOptions(): DashboardImageExportOptions


Type Description

A DashboardImageExportOptions object containing options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item as an image.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.getImageExportOptions.

See Also

#GetItemData(itemName) Method

Returns the client data for the specified dashboard item.


    itemName: string
): ASPxClientDashboardItemData


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that specifies the component name of the dashboard item.


Type Description

An ASPxClientDashboardItemData object that represents multidimensional data visualized in the dashboard item.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getItemData.

See Also

#GetMaximizedDashboardItemName Method

Returns the name of the maximized dashboard item.


GetMaximizedDashboardItemName(): string


Type Description

A String value that is a maximized dashboard item’s name.


To maximize an item:

To restore an item’s size:

Note that maximize and restore actions re-create the dashboard item and fire all events related to the item life cycle (ItemWidgetCreated and ItemWidgetUpdated).


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.maximizedDashboardItemName.

#GetParameters Method

Returns dashboard parameter settings and metadata.




Type Description

An ASPxClientDashboardParameters object that is a collection of ASPxClientDashboardParameter objects.


ASPxClientDashboardParameter class objects returned by the GetParameters method allow you to obtain parameter settings such as the parameter type (the ASPxClientDashboardParameter.GetType method), the default parameter value (the ASPxClientDashboardParameter.GetDefaultValue method), the parameter name (the ASPxClientDashboardParameter.GetName method), etc.

The ASPxClientDashboardParameter.GetValues method returns possible parameter values. Use the ASPxClientDashboardParameter.SetValue method to specify the current parameter value.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API is DashboardParameterDialogExtension.getParameters.

See Also

#GetPdfExportOptions Method

Allows you to obtain options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to PDF format.


GetPdfExportOptions(): DashboardPdfExportOptions


Type Description

A DashboardPdfExportOptions object containing options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to PDF format.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.getPdfExportOptions.

See Also

#GetSelectedTabPage(tabContainerName) Method

Gets the selected page in the specified tab container.


    tabContainerName: string
): string


Name Type Description
tabContainerName string

A String object that is the tab container’s componentName property value.


Type Description

A String object that is the tab page’s componentName property value.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getSelectedTabPage.

#GetSelectedTabPageIndex(tabContainerName) Method

Gets the index of the selected page in the specified tab container.


    tabContainerName: string
): number


Name Type Description
tabContainerName string

A String object that is the tab container’s componentName property value.


Type Description

A Int32 object that is the tab page’s index.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.getSelectedTabPageIndex.

#GetWorkingMode Method

Gets the current working mode of the Web Dashboard.


GetWorkingMode(): string


Type Description

A String value that is the working mode of the Web Dashboard.


You can switch between working modes of the Web Dashboard on the client side using the ASPxClientDashboard.SwitchToViewer/ASPxClientDashboard.SwitchToDesigner methods.

To specify the default working mode on the server side, use the ASPxDashboard.WorkingMode property.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.workingMode.

#HideDataInspector Method

Hides the invoked Data Inspector dialog.


HideDataInspector(): void


Use the ASPxClientDashboard.ShowDataInspector method to invoke the Data Inspector dialog.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DataInspectorExtension.hideDataInspector.

#HideExportDialog Method

Hides the dialog that allows end-users to export the dashboard/dashboard item.


HideExportDialog(): void



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.hideExportDialog.

See Also

#HideParametersDialog Method

Closes the Dashboard Parameters dialog.


HideParametersDialog(): void



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardParameterDialogExtension.hide.

See Also

#IsDesignMode Method

Gets a value that indicates whether the Web Dashboard works in designer mode.


IsDesignMode(): boolean


Type Description

true, if the Web Dashboard works as a designer; false, if the Web Dashboard works as a viewer.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.isDesignMode.

#LoadDashboard(dashboardId) Method

Loads a dashboard with the specified identifier from the dashboard storage.


    dashboardId: string
): void


Name Type Description
dashboardId string

A string value that specifies the dashboard identifier.


Use the ASPxClientDashboard.SaveDashboard method to save the current dashboard.

For more information about different methods of loading a dashboard, see Load a Dashboard.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.loadDashboard / OpenDashboardExtension.loadDashboard.

#MaximizeDashboardItem(itemName) Method

Expands the specified dashboard item to the entire dashboard size to examine data in greater detail.


    itemName: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String object that is the dashboard item component name.


To maximize an item:

To restore an item’s size:

Note that maximize and restore actions re-create the dashboard item and fire all events related to the item life cycle (ItemWidgetCreated and ItemWidgetUpdated).


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.maximizeDashboardItem.

#PerformDataCallback(parameter, onCallback) Method

Sends a callback to the server and generates the server-side ASPxDashboard.CustomDataCallback event, passing it the specified argument.


    parameter: string,
    onCallback: ASPxClientDataCallback
): void


Name Type Description
parameter string

A string value that represents any information that needs to be sent to the server-side ASPxDashboard.CustomDataCallback event.

onCallback ASPxClientDataCallback

An ASPxClientDataCallback object that represents the JavaScript function which receives the callback data as a parameter.


Use the PerformDataCallback method if you need to asynchronously go to the server and perform some server-side processing using AJAX-based callback technology. You can pass the required information to be collected on the client side as a string of arguments (for instance, in the “Name = Value;” form) using the PerformDataCallback method’s parameter parameter.

The PerformDataCallback method posts back to the server using the callback technology and generates a server-side ASPxDashboard.CustomDataCallback event. So, the necessary server-side actions can be performed in the event’s handler based upon the values of the arguments obtained by parsing the passed information string.


The ASPxClientDashboard.BeginCallback and ASPxClientDashboard.EndCallback client events can also be used to perform necessary client actions before and after callback processing.

See Also

#PerformDrillDown(itemName, value) Method

Performs a drill-down into the required element by its value.


    itemName: string,
    value: any | ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that species the component name of the dashboard item.

value any

A value that will be used to perform a drill-down for the required element.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.performDrillDown.

See Also

#PerformDrillUp(itemName) Method

Performs a drill-up for the specified dashboard item.


    itemName: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that specifies the component name of the dashboard item.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.performDrillUp.

See Also

#Refresh Method

Refreshes dashboard items or the entire dashboard.


    itemName?: string | string[]
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string | string[]

A string that is the dashboard item name.


Call the Refresh method without parameters to refresh all dashboard items:


To refresh specific dashboard items, pass their names as a parameter. The code below refreshes Chart and Grid items:

clientDashboardControl.Refresh(["chartDashboardItem1", "gridDashboardItem1"]);


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.refresh.

#ReloadData Method

Reloads data in the data sources.


ReloadData(): void



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.reloadData.

See Also

#RequestUnderlyingData(itemName, args, onCompleted) Method

Requests underlying data for the specified dashboard item.




Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that specifies the component name of the dashboard item.

args ASPxClientDashboardItemRequestUnderlyingDataParameters

A ASPxClientDashboardItemRequestUnderlyingDataParameters object containing parameters used to obtain the underlying data.

onCompleted ASPxClientDashboardItemRequestUnderlyingDataCompleted

A ASPxClientDashboardItemRequestUnderlyingDataCompleted object that references a method executed after the request is completed.



The RequestUnderlyingData method returns only non-aggregated data values.

The following code snippet shows how to set the method’s parameters to obtain underlying data:

var requestParameters = {
    DataMembers: ['ProductName', 'OrderID']
Dashboard.RequestUnderlyingData("gaugeDashboardItem1", requestParameters, function(data) {
    var dataM = data.GetDataMembers();
    for(var i = 0; i < data.GetRowCount(); i++) {
        var dataTableRow = {};
        $.each(dataM, function(_, dataMember) {
            dataTableRow[dataMember] = data.GetRowValue(i, dataMember);


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.requestUnderlyingData.

See Also

#RestoreDashboardItem Method

Restores the item size if an item is expanded to the entire dashboard size (maximized).


RestoreDashboardItem(): void


To maximize an item:

To restore an item’s size:


The dashboard item is re-created when you maximize / restore the item. All events connected with dashboard item life cycle (such as ItemWidgetCreated, ItemWidgetUpdated, etc.) are fired again.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.restoreDashboardItem.

#SaveDashboard Method

Saves a current dashboard to the dashboard storage.


SaveDashboard(): void


Use the ASPxClientDashboard.LoadDashboard method to load a dashboard with the specified identifier.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: SaveDashboardExtension.saveDashboard.

#SetDashboardState(dashboardState) Method

Applies the dashboard state to the loaded dashboard.


    dashboardState: any | string
): void


Name Type Description
dashboardState any

A JSON object that specifies the dashboard state.


The DashboardState class includes states of individual dashboard items (the DashboardState.Items property) and currently selected parameter values (DashboardState.Parameters).

The following example shows how to apply the dashboard state to the Energy Statistics demo. The Year parameter is 2008, the Card‘s master filter value is Solid Fuels. MVCxDashboard is the client instance name of the DashboardControl.

function onClick() {
  var control = MVCxDashboard.GetDashboardControl();
    "Parameters": {
      "Year": 2008
    "Items": {
      "cardProductionImportByType": {
          MasterFilterValues: [["Solid Fuels"]]

The code below clears filters (unselects all master filter values), the RangeFilter state, and drill-down levels for dashboard items. To do this, pass an empty object of a dashboard item state to the entire dashboard state.


The control variable in the example below is the obtained DashboardControl instance. Refer to the following topic for information on how to obtain a DashboardControl for each platform: Web Dashboard - Client-Side Specifics.

function onClick() {
  var state = JSON.parse(control.getDashboardState());
  if (state && state.Items) {
      Object.keys(state.Items).forEach(function (itemName) {
          var itemState = state.Items[itemName];
          itemState.MasterFilterValues = [];
          itemState.DrillDownValues = [];
          itemState.RangeFilterState = { };

See the following topic for more information how to get the underlying Dashboard control: Extensions in the Web Dashboard.

To learn more about a dashboard state, see Manage Dashboard State.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.setDashboardState.

#SetExcelExportOptions(options) Method

Allows you to specify options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to Excel format.


    options: DashboardExcelExportOptions
): void


Name Type Description
options DashboardExcelExportOptions

A DashboardExcelExportOptions object containing options related to exporting a dashboard item to Excel format.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.setExcelExportOptions.

See Also

#SetExportOptions(options) Method

Obsolete. Specifies settings that configures dashboard export parameters.


    options: ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions
): void


Name Type Description
options ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions

A ASPxClientDashboardExportOptions object containing settings that specify parameters affecting how the dashboard is exported.

See Also

#SetImageExportOptions(options) Method

Allows you to specify options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to an image.


    options: DashboardImageExportOptions
): void


Name Type Description
options DashboardImageExportOptions

A DashboardImageExportOptions object containing options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item as an image.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.setImageExportOptions.

See Also

#SetMasterFilter(itemName, values) Method

Selects required elements by their values in the specified master filter item.


    itemName: string,
    values: object[][] | ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple[]
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that specifies the component name of the master filter item.

values ASPxClientDashboardItemDataAxisPointTuple[] | object[][]

Values that will be used to select elements in the master filter item.


Only dimension fields can be a part of the master filter values. To select a row, create a filter with unique values that unambiguously define this row.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.setMasterFilter.

See Also

#SetPdfExportOptions(options) Method

Allows you to specify options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to PDF format.


    options: DashboardPdfExportOptions
): void


Name Type Description
options DashboardPdfExportOptions

A DashboardPdfExportOptions object containing options related to exporting a dashboard/dashboard item to PDF format.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.setPdfExportOptions.

See Also

#SetPredefinedRange(itemName, dateTimePeriodName) Method

Selects a predefined range in the Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.


    itemName: string,
    dateTimePeriodName: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String value that specifies the component name of the Range Filter or Date Filter.

dateTimePeriodName string

A String value that specifies the predefined range name.


Use the SetPredefinedRange method after the dashboard item loads data. When the Range Filter or Date Filter has no data to display, the SetPredefinedRange method returns null.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.setPredefinedRange.

#SetRange(itemName, range) Method

Selects the required range in the specified Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.


    itemName: string,
    range: ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A String that specifies the component name of the Range Filter or Date Filter dashboard item.

range ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection

A ASPxClientDashboardRangeFilterSelection object that specifies a range to be selected.


Use the SetRange method after the dashboard item loads data. When the Range Filter or Date Filter has no data to display, the SetRange method returns null.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.setRange.

See Also

#SetSelectedTabPage(tabPageName) Method

Selects the specified tab page by its component name.


    tabPageName: string
): void


Name Type Description
tabPageName string

A String object that is the tab page’s componentName property value.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.setSelectedTabPage.

#SetSelectedTabPageIndex(tabContainerName, index) Method

Selects the specified tab page by its index in the specified tab container.


    tabContainerName: string,
    index: number
): void


Name Type Description
tabContainerName string

A String object that is the tab container’s componentName property value.

index number

A Int32 object that is the tab page’s index.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.setSelectedTabPageIndex.

#ShowDataInspector(itemName, inspectedType) Method

Invokes the Data Inspector dialog with a defined data type for the specified dashboard item.


    itemName: string,
    inspectedType: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A string that specifies a component name of the dashboard item for which the Data Inspector displays data.

inspectedType string

A InspectedType object that defines the displayed underlying data.


Use the ASPxClientDashboard.HideDataInspector method to invoke the Data Inspector dialog.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DataInspectorExtension.showDataInspector.

#ShowExportDashboardDialog(format) Method

Invokes the dialog that allows end-users to export the entire dashboard to the specified format.


    format: string
): void


Name Type Description
format string

A string value that specifies the format. For instance, you can use ‘PDF’, ‘Image’, or ‘Excel’.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.showExportDashboardDialog.

See Also

#ShowExportDashboardItemDialog(itemComponentName, format) Method

Invokes the dialog that allows end-users to export the dashboard item to the specified format.


    itemComponentName: string,
    format: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemComponentName string

A string value that specifies the component name of the dashboard item to export.

format string

A string value that specifies the format. For instance, you can use ‘PDF, ‘Image’ or ‘Excel’. Note that some items (i.e., TextBoxDashboardItem or ImageDashboardItem) do not support exporting to the ‘Excel’ format.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardExportExtension.showExportDashboardItemDialog.

See Also

#ShowParametersDialog Method

Invokes the Dashboard Parameters dialog.


ShowParametersDialog(): void



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ASPxClientDashboard.ShowParametersDialog.

See Also

#SwitchToDesigner Method

Switches the ASPxClientDashboard to Designer mode.


SwitchToDesigner(): void


Use the ASPxClientDashboard.SwitchToViewer method to switch the ASPxClientDashboard to Viewer mode. You can obtain the current working mode using the ASPxClientDashboard.GetWorkingMode method.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.switchToDesigner / DashboardPanelExtension.switchToDesigner.

#SwitchToViewer Method

Switches the ASPxClientDashboard to the viewer mode.


SwitchToViewer(): void


Use the ASPxClientDashboard.SwitchToDesigner method to switch the ASPxClientDashboard to the designer mode. You can obtain the current working


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControl.switchToViewer / DashboardPanelExtension.switchToViewer.

#UpdateDashboardTitleToolbar Method


UpdateDashboardTitleToolbar(): void


The DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event occurs before the dashboard title toolbar is updated. Use the UpdateDashboardTitleToolbar method to trigger the following event manually.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.updateDashboardTitleToolbar.

#UpdateItemCaptionToolbar(itemName) Method

Fires the ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event for the specified item.


    itemName: string
): void


Name Type Description
itemName string

A dashboard item name for which the event is fired.


The ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event occurs before the dashboard item’s caption toolbar is updated. Use the UpdateItemCaptionToolbar method to trigger the following event manually. If the itemName parameter is empty, the ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event is fired for all dashboard items and groups.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtension.updateItemCaptionToolbar.


#ActionAvailabilityChanged Event

Occurs after the available interactivity actions have changed for the specific dashboard item.


ActionAvailabilityChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientActionAvailabilityChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ActionAvailabilityChanged event's data class is ASPxClientActionAvailabilityChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemActionAvailabilityChanged

#BeforeRender Event

Occurs before any element in the Web Dashboard control has been rendered.


BeforeRender: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardBeforeRenderEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The BeforeRender event's data class is ASPxClientEventArgs.


The BeforeRender event allows you to customize the Web Dashboard control on the client side before the control and its elements have been rendered. To access the client-side DashboardControl, handle the ASPxClientDashboard.BeforeRender event:

<dx:ASPxDashboard ID="ASPxDashboard1" runat="server">
    <ClientSideEvents BeforeRender="onBeforeRender" />

Then, call the ASPxClientDashboard.GetDashboardControl method to get the DashboardControl instance:

        function onBeforeRender(sender) {
            var dashboardControl = sender.GetDashboardControl();
            // ...

You can now use its API to specify various client-side settings, perform actions, etc. See Client-Side Customization for information on how you can customize the client part of the Web Dashboard control.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onBeforeRender.

#BeginCallback Event

Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.


BeginCallback: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientBeginCallbackEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The BeginCallback event's data class is ASPxClientBeginCallbackEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
command Gets a command name that identifies which client action initiated a callback.


The BeginCallback and ASPxClientDashboard.EndCallback events can be used to perform specific client-side actions while a callback is being processed on the server side.

Note that BeginCallback and ASPxClientDashboard.EndCallback do not work in ASP.NET MVC Dashboard.

See Also

#CustomDataCallback Event

Fires when a round trip to the server has been initiated by a call to the client ASPxClientDashboard.PerformDataCallback method.


CustomDataCallback: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientCustomDataCallbackEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The CustomDataCallback event's data class is ASPxClientCustomDataCallbackEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
result Gets a string that contains specific information (if any) that has been passed from the server to the client side for further processing, related to the CustomCallback event.


The CustomDataCallback event allows any desired server-side processing to be performed, and any resulting required information to be passed to the client for further processing (if needed).

After the CustomDataCallback event has been processed on the server side, a result can be passed back to the client via the CallbackEventArgs.Result property. To receive the result on the client, handle the ASPxClientDashboard.CustomDataCallback event.

See Also

#CustomizeDataSourceWizard Event

Allows you to customize the Dashboard Data Source Wizard.


CustomizeDataSourceWizard: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientCustomizeDataSourceWizardEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The CustomizeDataSourceWizard event's data class is ASPxClientCustomizeDataSourceWizardEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Type Specifies the wizard’s type.
Wizard Specifies the wizard.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DataSourceWizardExtensionOptions.onCustomizeDataSourceWizard.

#DashboardBeginUpdate Event

Occurs when a dashboard update is initiated.


DashboardBeginUpdate: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardBeginUpdateEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DashboardBeginUpdate event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardBeginUpdateEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
DashboardId Gets the identifier of the dashboard for which the event was raised.


After the dashboard update is performed, the ASPxClientDashboard.DashboardEndUpdate event is fired.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onDashboardBeginUpdate.

See Also

#DashboardChanged Event

The DashboardChanged client-side event is obsolete. Use the DashboardInitialized event instead.


DashboardChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DashboardChanged event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
DashboardId Gets the identifier of a newly opened dashboard.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onDashboardInitialized.

#DashboardEndUpdate Event

Occurs after the dashboard update is performed.


DashboardEndUpdate: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardEndUpdateEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DashboardEndUpdate event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardEndUpdateEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
DashboardId Gets the identifier of the dashboard for which the event was raised.


When the dashboard update is initiated, the ASPxClientDashboard.DashboardBeginUpdate event is fired.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onDashboardEndUpdate.

See Also

#DashboardInitialized Event

Occurs after the dashboard displayed in the control has been initialized.


DashboardInitialized: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardInitializedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DashboardInitialized event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardInitializedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
DashboardId Gets the dashboard’s unique name.


Use the DashboardId property to get a dashboard’s unique name.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onDashboardInitialized.

#DashboardInitializing Event

Occurs before the dashboard displayed in the control has been initialized.


DashboardInitializing: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardInitializingEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DashboardInitializing event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardInitializingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Dashboard Gets a model of the dashboard displayed in the control.
DashboardId Gets a string value that is the dashboard identifier.
Ready Specifies a Promise object to observe when all actions of a certain type bound to the collection, queued or not, have finished.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onDashboardInitializing.

#DashboardStateChanged Event

Occurs after the current dashboard state in the ASPxClientDashboard is changed.


DashboardStateChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardStateChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DashboardStateChanged event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardStateChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
DashboardState Gets the current state of the dashboard.


To learn more about a dashboard state, see Manage Dashboard State.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onDashboardStateChanged.


The sample illustrates how to save the current ASPxDashboard state (such as master filter or parameter values) to cookies on the client side and restore this state on the server side. The following API is used in this example:

View Example: How to save a dashboard state to cookies

On the server, the dashboard state is loaded from the cookies and applied to e.InitialState property to set the initial state of the loaded dashboard:

using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using DevExpress.DashboardWeb;
using System;
using System.Web;

namespace WebDashboard_DashboardStateCookies {
    public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page {
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {            

        protected void ASPxDashboard1_SetInitialDashboardState(object sender, SetInitialDashboardStateEventArgs e) {
            // Requests the "dashboardState" cookie:
            HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["dashboardState"];
            if (cookie != null) {
                DashboardState dashboardState = new DashboardState();
                // Initializes a DevExpress.DashboardCommon.DashboardState object from the JSON state:
                if (e.DashboardId == "dashboard1")
                    // Applies the initial dashboard state if it exists in cookies:
                    e.InitialState = dashboardState;

On the client, the control saves the dashboard state to cookies every time the state changes.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" 
    Inherits="WebDashboard_DashboardStateCookies.Default" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Web.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" 
    Namespace="DevExpress.DashboardWeb" TagPrefix="dx" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Web Dashboard Application</title>
    <script src="Script.js"></script>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <div style="position:absolute; left:0; right:0; top:0; bottom:0;">
        <dx:ASPxDashboard ID="ASPxDashboard1" runat="server" 
            Height="100%" Width="100%" 
            <ClientSideEvents BeforeRender="onBeforeRender"></ClientSideEvents>

#DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated Event

Allows you to customize a dashboard title (for instance, add custom buttons, menus, etc.).


DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardTitleToolbarUpdatedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardTitleToolbarUpdatedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Options Provides access to dashboard title options.


Handle the DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event to customize the dashboard’s title. For instance, you can add custom command buttons, create additional menus, add static texts, etc. The DashboardTitleToolbarOptions class contains options used to customize a dashboard title’s elements (the ViewerToolbarItem objects).

The following code snippets show how to handle the DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated event on ASP.NET Web Forms:

<dx:ASPxDashboard ID="ASPxDashboard1" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%">
    <ClientSideEvents DashboardTitleToolbarUpdated="onDashboardTitleToolbarUpdated" />


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onDashboardTitleToolbarUpdated.

#DynamicLookUpValuesLoaded Event

Occurs after parameter values provided using a Dynamic List are loaded.


DynamicLookUpValuesLoaded: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDynamicLookUpValuesLoadedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The DynamicLookUpValuesLoaded event's data class is ASPxClientDynamicLookUpValuesLoadedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ParameterName Gets the dashboard parameter name whose values have been loaded.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardParameterDialogExtensionOptions.onDynamicLookUpValuesLoaded.

See Also

#EndCallback Event

Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed.


EndCallback: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientEndCallbackEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The EndCallback event's data class is ASPxClientEndCallbackEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
command Gets a command name that identifies which client action forced a callback to occur.


The ASPxClientDashboard.BeginCallback and EndCallback events can be used to perform specific client-side actions while a callback is being processed on the server side.


Note that ASPxClientDashboard.BeginCallback and EndCallback do not work in ASP.NET MVC Dashboard.

See Also

#ItemBeforeWidgetDisposed Event

Allows you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets.


ItemBeforeWidgetDisposed: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemBeforeWidgetDisposedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemBeforeWidgetDisposed event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetWidget Returns an underlying widget corresponding to the current dashboard item.
See Also

#ItemBeginUpdate Event

Occurs when a dashboard item update is initiated.


ItemBeginUpdate: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientItemBeginUpdateEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemBeginUpdate event's data class is ASPxClientItemBeginUpdateEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item.


After the dashboard item update is performed, the ASPxClientDashboard.ItemEndUpdate event is fired.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onItemBeginUpdate.

See Also

#ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated Event

Allows you to customize a dashboard item’s caption (for instance, add custom buttons, menus, etc.).


ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemCaptionToolbarUpdatedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemCaptionToolbarUpdatedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets a component name of the dashboard item.
Options Provides access to caption options of the dashboard item.


Handle the ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event to customize the dashboard item’s caption. For instance, you can add custom command buttons, create additional menus, add static texts, etc. The DashboardItemCaptionToolbarOptions class contains options used to customize a dashboard item caption’s elements (the ViewerToolbarItem objects).

The following code snippets show how to handle the ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated event on ASP.NET Web Forms:

<dx:ASPxDashboard ID="ASPxDashboard1" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%">
    <ClientSideEvents ItemCaptionToolbarUpdated="onItemCaptionToolbarUpdated" />


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemCaptionToolbarUpdated.

#ItemClick Event

Occurs when an end user clicks a dashboard item.


ItemClick: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemClick event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the name of the dashboard item for which the event has been raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetAxisPoint(axisName) Returns the axis point corresponding to the clicked visual element.
GetData Gets the dashboard item’s client data.
GetDeltas Gets deltas corresponding to the clicked visual element.
GetDimensions(axisName) Gets the dimensions used to create a hierarchy of axis points for the specified axis.
GetMeasures Gets measures corresponding to the clicked visual element.
RequestUnderlyingData(onCompleted, dataMembers) Requests underlying data corresponding to the clicked visual element.


Use the ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.ItemName event parameter to obtain the dashboard item name for which the event has been raised.

The ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.GetAxisPoint allows you to obtain the axis point corresponding to the clicked visual element. Use the ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.RequestUnderlyingData method to request the underlying data related to this visual element.

The ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.GetData method returns the client data for this dashboard item.


The ItemClick event has the following limitations:


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemClick.

#ItemDrillDownStateChanged Event

Occurs when a drill-down/drill-up is performed.


ItemDrillDownStateChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemDrillDownStateChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemDrillDownStateChanged event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Action Gets the drill-down action performed in the dashboard item.
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item. Inherited from ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.
Values Gets values from the current drill-down hierarchy.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
IsNullValue(value) Returns whether the specified value is null. Inherited from ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.
IsOthersValue(value) Returns whether the specified value is ‘others’. Inherited from ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.


The ItemDrillDownStateChanged event is raised when an end-user performs drill-down or drill-up in a certain dashboard item. To determine the component name of this dashboard item, use the ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.ItemName event parameter. Other event parameters include the following.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemDrillDownStateChanged

#ItemElementCustomColor Event

Allows you to color the required dashboard item elements using the specified colors.


ItemElementCustomColor: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemElementCustomColor event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetColor Gets the color of the current dashboard item element.
GetMeasures Gets measures corresponding to the current dashboard item element.
GetTargetElement Gets the axis point tuple that corresponds to the current dashboard item element.
SetColor(color) Sets the color of the current dashboard item element.


The ItemElementCustomColor event allows you to color the required dashboard item elements (for instance, chart series points, pie segments or scatter chart points) using the specified colors. The ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs class exposes the following settings that allow you to color the required element.

Note that color modifications applied using the ItemElementCustomColor event are not applied in the resulting exported document.


By default, the Chart dashboard item colors lines (or fills areas) for the Line/Area series types using the color of the first series point. For these lines/areas, the ASPxClientDashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs.GetTargetElement method returns a tuple that does not contain the axis point on the DashboardDataAxisNames.ChartArgumentAxis.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemElementCustomColor.

See Also

#ItemEndUpdate Event

Occurs after the dashboard item update is performed.


ItemEndUpdate: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientItemEndUpdateEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemEndUpdate event's data class is ASPxClientItemEndUpdateEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item.


When the dashboard item update is initiated, the ASPxClientDashboard.ItemBeginUpdate event is fired.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: DashboardControlOptions.onItemEndUpdate.

See Also

#ItemMasterFilterStateChanged Event

Occurs when a master filter state is changed.


ItemMasterFilterStateChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemMasterFilterStateChanged event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item. Inherited from ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.
Values Gets the currently selected values.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
IsNullValue(value) Returns whether the specified value is null. Inherited from ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.
IsOthersValue(value) Returns whether the specified value is ‘others’. Inherited from ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.


The ItemMasterFilterStateChanged event is raised when an end-user applies or clears master filtering in a certain dashboard item. To determine the component name of this dashboard item, use the ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.ItemName event parameter. The ASPxClientDashboardItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs.Values property returns currently selected values.

For the Range Filter dashboard item, the ASPxClientDashboardItemMasterFilterStateChangedEventArgs.Values property returns the minimum and maximum values in the selected range (these values are JavaScript date instances).


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemMasterFilterStateChanged.

#ItemSelectionChanged Event

Occurs after the selection within the dashboard item is changed.


ItemSelectionChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemSelectionChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemSelectionChanged event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemSelectionChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetCurrentSelection Gets currently selected elements.


The ItemSelectionChanged event is raised after the selection within the dashboard item is changed. The selection can be changed in the following ways:

  • The state of the master filter item is changed by an end user or using the ASPxClientDashboard API.

The ASPxClientDashboardItemSelectionChangedEventArgs.ItemName property returns the name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised. Use the ASPxClientDashboardItemSelectionChangedEventArgs.GetCurrentSelection method to obtain the currently selected elements.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemSelectionChanged.

#ItemVisualInteractivity Event

Allows you to provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting.


ItemVisualInteractivity: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemVisualInteractivity event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
EnableHighlighting(enableHighlighting) Enables highlighting for the current dashboard item.
GetDefaultSelection Gets the default selection for the current dashboard item.
GetSelectionMode Gets the selection mode for dashboard item elements.
GetTargetAxes Gets data axes used to perform custom interactivity actions.
IsHighlightingEnabled Returns whether highlighting is enabled for the current dashboard item.
SetDefaultSelection(values) Sets the default selection for the current dashboard item.
SetSelectionMode(selectionMode) Sets the selection mode for dashboard item elements.
SetTargetAxes(targetAxes) Sets data axes used to perform custom interactivity actions.


The ItemVisualInteractivity event allows you to provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting. This event is raised for dashboard items with disabled master filtering. Visual interactivity is enabled for master filter items by default. The ASPxClientDashboard also fires this event when master filtering is applied to the current dashboard item or drill-down is performed in this dashboard item.

Use the ASPxClientDashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.ItemName event parameter to obtain the name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised. The ASPxClientDashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.SetTargetAxes method allows you to specify data axes used to perform custom interactivity actions (selection of grid rows, selection and highlighting of chart series points, etc.).

To specify the selection mode and enable highlighting, use the ASPxClientDashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.SetSelectionMode and ASPxClientDashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.EnableHighlighting methods respectively. The ASPxClientDashboardItemVisualInteractivityEventArgs.SetDefaultSelection method provides the capability to specify the default selection for the current dashboard item.

After the selection is changed, the ASPxClientDashboard.ItemSelectionChanged event is raised. Its ASPxClientDashboardItemSelectionChangedEventArgs.GetCurrentSelection method returns the selected elements.

The following table lists possible target axes for each dashboard item and supported interactivity capabilities.

Dashboard Item

Target Axes




































Note that the Grid dashboard item does not support custom interactivity when Cell Merging is enabled.

The code snippet below shows how to add custom interactivity to dashboards:

<dx:ASPxDashboard ID="ASPxDashboard1" runat="server" Height="600px" Width="800px"
    ClientSideEvents-ItemVisualInteractivity = "function(s, e) { addCustomInteractivity(e); }">


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemVisualInteractivity.

See Also

#ItemWidgetCreated Event

Occurs when the underlying UI/Data Visualization widget is created.


ItemWidgetCreated: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetCreatedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemWidgetCreated event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetWidget Returns an underlying widget corresponding to the current dashboard item.


Handle this event to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets.

See the following topic for more information: Access to Underlying Widgets in ASP.NET Web Forms.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemWidgetCreated.

#ItemWidgetUpdated Event

Occurs when the underlying UI/Data Visualization widget is redrawn after the data used in this widget is changed.


ItemWidgetUpdated: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetUpdatedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemWidgetUpdated event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetWidget Returns an underlying widget corresponding to the current dashboard item.


Handle this event to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets.

See the following topic for more information: Access to Underlying Widgets in ASP.NET Web Forms.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemWidgetUpdated.

#ItemWidgetUpdating Event

Allows you to access underlying UI/Data Visualization widgets.


ItemWidgetUpdating: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetUpdatingEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The ItemWidgetUpdating event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemWidgetEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the component name of the dashboard item for which the event was raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetWidget Returns an underlying widget corresponding to the current dashboard item.


See the following topic for more information: Access to Underlying Widgets in ASP.NET Web Forms.


The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onItemWidgetUpdating.

#SelectedTabPageChanged Event

Occurs when the selected tab page is changed.


SelectedTabPageChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientSelectedTabPageChangedEventHandler<ASPxClientDashboard>>

#Event Data

The SelectedTabPageChanged event's data class is ASPxClientSelectedTabPageChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
PreviousPage Gets the tab page that was selected.
SelectedPage Gets the tab page that is selected.
TabContainerName Gets the name of the tab container that contains the selected tab page.



The corresponding DashboardControl’s API: ViewerApiExtensionOptions.onSelectedTabPageChanged.