ASPxClientDashboardItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs Class
Provides data for the ASPxClientDashboard.ItemDrillDownStateChanged event.
declare class ASPxClientDashboardItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs extends ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs
The ItemDrillDownStateChanged event is raised when an end-user performs drill-down or drill-up in a certain dashboard item. To determine the component name of this dashboard item, use the ASPxClientDashboardItemEventArgs.ItemName event parameter. Other event parameters include the following.
- ASPxClientDashboardItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs.Action returns the action performed in the dashboard item. For example, ‘Down’ identifies a drill-down while ‘Up’ identifies a drill-up.
- ASPxClientDashboardItemDrillDownStateChangedEventArgs.Values returns values from the current drill-down hierarchy.
In OLAP mode, the ASPx
A use of ASPx
API reduces flexibility when you configure the control. The DashboardASPx
object. The control provides access to all client settings and allows you to implement complex scenarios. We recommend that you use the Dashboard
API to configure the Web Dashboard on the client. More information: Client-Side Functionality.
#Action Property
Gets the drill-down action performed in the dashboard item.
Action: string
#Property Value
Type | Description |
string | A string value that is the drill-down action performed in the dashboard item. |
The Action property returns the action performed in the dashboard item. For example, ‘Down’ identifies a drill-down while ‘Up’ identifies a drill-up.
#Values Property
Gets values from the current drill-down hierarchy.
Values: any[]
#Property Value
Type | Description |
any[] | An array of values from the current drill-down hierarchy. |