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IPersistentObjectStorage<T> Methods
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Base interface that defines a storage which holds persistent objects.
Name Description
AppendBaseMappings(MappingCollection) Clears existing base mappings and appends the specified mappings.
Clear() Locks the IPersistentObjectStorage<T> object by disallowing visual updates until the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate method is called.
CreateCustomFields(T) Creates the custom fields specific to this persistent object and adds them to the object’s custom fields collection.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
GetColumnNames() Gets the names of data columns associated with this IPersistentObjectStorage<T> object.
GetObjectRow(T) Returns the data row object that contains information about the specified persistent object.
GetObjectValue(T, String) Obtains the value of the specified field in the data row that contains information about the specified persistent object.
SetObjectValue(T, String, Object) Assigns the specified value to a field in the data row that contains information about the specified persistent object.
ValidateDataSource() Checks mapped data source fields and mappings for availability and duplicates.
See Also