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DxHtmlElement.ClientTop Property

Returns the distance between the element’s top border and the top border of this element’s client area (the area that contains child elements of this HTML element).

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils.Html

Assembly: DevExpress.Data.Desktop.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Data.Desktop, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Design


public int ClientTop { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

The top margin of the element’s client area.


The following figure illustrates ClientTop and ClientLeft property values for the light blue "item_info_outer" element.

Client sizes of HTML elements

<div class="item_info_outer">
    <div class="item_info" id="item_info">
        <div class="name" id="name-brand">${TrademarkName} {Name}</div>
        <div class="specs" id="specs">${Modification}</div>
        <div class="specs" id="specs">${BodyStyleName}, {Torque}, {Horsepower} h.p.</div>
        <div class="category" id="name-category">${CategoryNameCaps}</div>
    <div class="item_info">
        <div id="detailButton" class="button" onclick="onDetailButtonClick">Read More</div>
.item_info {
    border: 1px solid Red;
See Also