ReportServerClient Methods
Provides the client-side functionality for a DevExpress Report Server.Name | Description |
ClearDocumentAsync(DocumentId, Object) | Starts clearing the document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
CloneReport(Int32, ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<ReportDto>>) | Creates a copy of the specified report. |
CreateCategoryAsync(String, Object) | Asynchronously creates a report category. |
CreateReport(ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<CreateReportResult>>) | Creates a new report on the server. |
CreateReportAsync(ReportDto, Object) | Asynchronously creates a new report. |
CreateReportCategory(String, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Int32>>) | Creates a new report category with the specified name. |
CreateScheduledJobAsync(ScheduledJobDto, Object) | Asynchronously creates a scheduled job. |
DeleteCategoryAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously deletes a report category. |
DeleteDataModelAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously deletes a data model. |
DeleteReport(Int32, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) | Deletes the specified report. |
DeleteReportCategory(Int32, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) | Deletes the specified report category. |
DeleteScheduledJobAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously deletes a scheduled job. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
ExecuteJobAsync(Int32, Nullable<Int32>, Object) | Asynchronously executes a scheduled job. |
GetBuildStatusAsync(DocumentId, Object) | Starts obtaining the document build status (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetCategories(Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<IEnumerable<CategoryDto>>>) | Returns a collection of items to be displayed in the categories list. |
GetCategoriesAsync(Object) | Asynchronously returns a collection of report categories. |
GetColumnsAsync(String, TableInfo, Object) | Asynchronously obtains a collection of columns available in the specified data member. |
GetColumnsAsync(String, TableInfo) | Asynchronously returns the data columns corresponding to a specified data member. |
GetDataMembersAsync(String, Object) | Asynchronously obtains a collection of data members available in the specified data source. |
GetDataMembersAsync(String) | Asynchronously returns the list of data members corresponding to a specified data source. |
GetDataModelAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously gets a data model. |
GetDataModelsAsync(Object) | Asynchronously gets a collection of data models. |
GetDataSourcesAsync() | Asynchronously returns the list of available data sources. |
GetDataSourcesAsync(Object) | Asynchronously obtains a collections of data sources available on a server. |
GetDataSourceSchema(Int32, Object) | Obtains an XML schema of the specified data source. |
GetDocumentDataAsync(DocumentId, Object) | Starts obtaining the document data (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetDrillThroughDetailReportAsync(InstanceIdentity, String, Object) | Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetExportedDocumentAsync(ExportId, Object) | Starts obtaining the exported document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetExportStatusAsync(ExportId, Object) | Starts obtaining document export status (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetLookUpValues(InstanceIdentity, ReportParameter[], String[], Object) | Obsolete. Returns a collection of parameter values assigned to a lookup editor. Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetLookUpValuesAsync(InstanceIdentity, ReportParameter[], String[], Object) | Asynchronously obtains a collection of parameter values assigned to a lookup editor. Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetPagesAsync(DocumentId, Int32[], PageCompatibility, Object) | Starts obtaining the document pages (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetPrintDocumentAsync(PrintId, Object) | Starts obtaining the printed document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetPrintStatusAsync(PrintId, Object) | Starts obtaining the status of the printed document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetReportCatalogItemDto(Int32) | Gets properties of the specified report to be displayed in a report catalog. |
GetReportParametersAsync(InstanceIdentity, Object) | Starts obtaining the report parameters (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
GetReportRevisions(Int32, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<IEnumerable<LayoutRevisionDto>>>) | Gets a collection of revisions for the specified report. |
GetReports(Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<IEnumerable<ReportCatalogItemDto>>>) | Gets a collection of items to be displayed in a report catalog. |
GetReportsAsync(Object) | Asynchronously gets a collection of reports. |
GetScheduledJobAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously returns a specified scheduled job. |
GetScheduledJobLogsAsync(Int32, DataPagination, Object) | Asynchronously returns the logs corresponding to a specified scheduled job. |
GetScheduledJobLogsCountAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously returns the total number of logs corresponding to a specified scheduled job. |
GetScheduledJobResultAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously returns the result of a scheduled job. |
GetScheduledJobResultsAsync(Int32, DataPagination, Object) | Asynchronously returns the history of results corresponding to a specified scheduled job log. |
GetScheduledJobResultsCountAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously returns the total number of results corresponding to a specified scheduled job log. |
GetScheduledJobsAsync(Object) | Asynchronously returns all scheduled jobs. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
LoadReport(Int32, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<ReportDto>>) | Loads the specified report from the server storage. |
LoadReportAsync(Int32, Object) | Asynchronously loads a report. |
LoadReportLayoutByRevisionId(Int32, Int32, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Byte[]>>) | Gets the specified revision of a report layout. |
LockReport(Int32) | Obsolete. Locks the specified report. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
Ping(Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>, Object) | Checks a server for availability. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
RollbackReportLayout(Int32, Int32, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) | Rolls the layout of a report back to the specified revision. |
SaveReportById(Int32, ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Int32>>) | Saves the specified report to the server storage. |
StartBuildAsync(InstanceIdentity, ReportBuildArgs, Object) | Starts building the report (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
StartExportAsync(DocumentId, DocumentExportArgs, Object) | Starts exporting the document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
StartPrintAsync(DocumentId, PageCompatibility, Object) | Starts printing the document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
StopBuildAsync(DocumentId, Object) | Stops building the document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
StopPrintAsync(PrintId, Object) | Starts printing the document (asynchronously). Inherited from ReportServiceClient. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
UnlockReport(Int32) | Obsolete. Unlocks the specified report. |
UpdateCategoryAsync(Int32, String, Nullable<Int32>, Object) | Asynchronously updates a report category. |
UpdateDataModelAsync(DataModelDto, Object) | Asynchronously updates a data model. |
UpdateReport(Int32, ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Int32>>) | Updates properties of the specified report. |
UpdateReportAsync(Int32, ReportDto, Object) | Asynchronously updates an existing report. |
UpdateReportCategory(Int32, String, Nullable<Int32>, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) | Updates properties of the specified report category. |
UpdateScheduledJobAsync(ScheduledJobDto, Object) | Asynchronously updates a scheduled job. |
UploadLayout(Stream, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<TransientReportId>>) | Uploads report layout data onto a server. |
See Also