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IXlCell Members

In This Article
Represents a single cell in a worksheet.


Name Description
ColumnIndex Gets the index of the column that contains the current cell.
Formatting Gets or sets cell format characteristics.
HasQuotePrefix Returns or specifies whether a cell value is prefixed with a single quote.
Position Gets the position of the current cell in a worksheet.
RowIndex Gets the index of the row that contains the current cell.
Value Gets or sets a cell value.

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Name Description
ApplyFormatting(XlCellFormatting) Applies the specified formatting settings to the cell.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
SetFormula(IXlFormulaParameter) Assigns the specified formula to a cell.
SetFormula(XlExpression) Assigns the specified formula expression to a cell.
SetFormula(String) Assigns the specified formula string to a cell.
SetRichText(XlRichTextString) Assigns the rich formatted text to a cell.
SetSharedFormula(XlCellPosition) Creates the shared formula based on the formula contained in the host cell.
SetSharedFormula(XlExpression, XlCellRange) Assigns the specified formula expression to the given cell range to create a shared formula.
SetSharedFormula(String, XlCellRange) Assigns the specified formula string to the given cell range to create a shared formula.
See Also