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MsSqlConnectionParameters Properties
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Contains parameters used to establish a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server.
Name Description
AuthorizationType Gets or sets the authentication mode of the Microsoft SQL Server.
DatabaseName Gets or sets the name of the database that contains the required data. Inherited from SqlServerConnectionParametersBase.
Encrypt Specifies whether all communication between the server and the client is encrypted.
Password Gets or sets the password used to authenticate to a SQL server. Inherited from SqlServerConnectionParametersBase.
ServerName Gets or sets the name of the SQL server to which the connection should be established. Inherited from SqlServerConnectionParametersBase.
TrustServerCertificate Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the channel will be encrypted when certificate chain bypass is performed to validate trust.
UserName Gets or sets the user name used to authenticate to the SQL server. Inherited from SqlServerConnectionParametersBase.
See Also