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RequestOptions Class

Implements common configuration options for text-based requests.

Namespace: DevExpress.AIIntegration.Extensions

Assembly: DevExpress.AIIntegration.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.AIIntegration


public class RequestOptions


The following code snippet uses the AI-powered extension to shorten originalText and obtain the result in English, regardless of the language used in the original text:

string originalText = "Alice fing an sich zu langweilen; sie saß schon lange...";
ShortenRequest request = new ShortenRequest(originalText);
// Specify the context
request.Options.Context = "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland";
// Specify additional instructions
request.Options.PromptAugmentation = "Always translate the result into English.";
var response = await defaultAIExtensionsContainer.ShortenAsync(request);


See Also