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BootstrapToolbarSettingsAdaptivity Properties
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Stores BootstrapToolbar‘s adaptivity settings.
Name Description
EnableAutoHideRootItems Specifies whether the menu root items are automatically hidden when the browser width changes. Inherited from MenuSettingsAdaptivity.
EnableCollapseRootItemsToIcons Allows you to hide menu root item texts (and display only icons) when you minimize the browser window’s width. Inherited from MenuSettingsAdaptivity.
EnableCollapseToSideMenu Specifies whether the menu should be collapsed to the side menu when the browser window width is changed. Inherited from MenuSettingsAdaptivity.
Enabled Specifies whether an adaptive behavior is enabled for the menu. Inherited from MenuSettingsAdaptivity.
MinRootItemsCount Specifies the minimum number of toolbar’s root items displayed when the toolbar width decreases. Inherited from BootstrapToolbarSettingsAdaptivityBase.
Title Specifies a title applied to the toolbar in the adaptive mode.
See Also