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BootstrapHyperLinkProperties Properties
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Contains settings specific to a hyperlink editor.
Name Description
AllowEllipsisInText Specifies if the hyper link editor can automatically truncate the text content if it don’t fit into the editor width. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
Badge Gets settings of a badge displayed by the hyperlink.
ClientInstanceName Specifies the editor’s client programmatic identifier. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the ASPxStaticEdit. Inherited from StaticEditProperties.
DisplayFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the editor’s value for display purposes. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
EnableClientSideAPI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor can be manipulated on the client side via code. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
EncodeHtml Gets or sets whether to encode cell values in a column/row.. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
IconCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class of the icon displayed within the editor.
IconCssClassField Gets or sets the data source field that provides names of CSS classes that define images displayed by the inplace editor’s hyperlink.
NavigateUrlFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the navigation location for the inplace editor’s hyperlink. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
NullDisplayText Gets or sets the text displayed within the editor’s edit region when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentImages This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentSkinOwner For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentStyles This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
RemovePotentiallyDangerousNavigateUrl Specifies whether to remove potentially dangerous navigate URLs within a hyperlink column. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
Target Gets or sets the window or frame at which to target the contents of the URL associated with the editor. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
Text Gets or sets the text caption displayed for the hyperlink in the hyperlink editor. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
TextField Gets or sets the data source field that provides caption texts for the inplace editor’s hyperlink. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
TextFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the hyperlinks’s caption text within the inplace hyperlink editor. Inherited from HyperLinkProperties.
See Also