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BootstrapCardViewCommandButtonEventArgs(BootstrapCardViewCommandLayoutItem, CardViewCommandButtonType, Int32, Boolean, GridCommandButtonRenderMode, String, ImageProperties, ButtonControlStyles) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the BootstrapCardViewCommandButtonEventArgs class.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Bootstrap


public BootstrapCardViewCommandButtonEventArgs(
    BootstrapCardViewCommandLayoutItem layoutItem,
    CardViewCommandButtonType buttonType,
    int visibleIndex,
    bool isEditingCard,
    GridCommandButtonRenderMode renderMode,
    string text,
    ImageProperties image,
    ButtonControlStyles styles


Name Type Description
layoutItem BootstrapCardViewCommandLayoutItem

A BootstrapCardViewCommandLayoutItem object, containing the processed button.

buttonType CardViewCommandButtonType

One of the CardViewCommandButtonType enumeration values identifying the type of the processed command button.

visibleIndex Int32

An integer value that specifies the visible index of a card which contains the processed command button.

isEditingCard Boolean

true, if the processed command button is displayed within the edited card; otherwise, false.

renderMode GridCommandButtonRenderMode

One of the GridCommandButtonRenderMode enumeration values specifying the command button render mode.

text String

A string value that is the processed command button’s text.

image ImageProperties

An ImageProperties object containing settings of an image displayed within the processed command button.

styles ButtonControlStyles

An ButtonControlStyles object that contains button style settings.

See Also