ASPxClientTrackBar Events
The client-side equivalent of the ASPxTrackBar control.Name | Description |
GotFocus | Fires on the client side when the editor receives input focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
Init | Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
LostFocus | Fires on the client side when the editor loses input focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
PositionChanged | Fires after the editor’s position has been changed. |
PositionChanging | Occurs on the client before a user changes track bar position. |
Track | Occurs on the client-side when an end-user moves a cursor while the drag handle is held down. |
TrackEnd | Occurs on the client-side when an end-user releases a drag handle after moving it. |
TrackStart | Occurs on the client-side when an end-user presses a drag handle and moves it. |
Validation | Allows you to specify whether the value entered into the editor is valid, and whether the editor is allowed to lose focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
ValueChanged | Fires when the control accepts the new value entered by a user. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
See Also