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ASPxClientSplitterPane Members

In This Article
Represents a client-side equivalent of the splitter’s SplitterPane object.


Name Description
index Gets the index of the current pane within the pane collection to which it belongs.
name Gets the name that uniquely identifies the current splitter pane.


Name Description
Collapse(maximizedPane) Collapses the current pane and occupies its space by maximizing the specified pane.
CollapseBackward Collapses the current pane in a backward direction, and occupies its space by maximizing the next adjacent pane.
CollapseForward Collapses the current pane in a forward direction and occupies its space by maximizing the previous adjacent pane.
Expand Expands the current pane object on the client side.
GetClientHeight Gets the height of the pane‘s content area.
GetClientWidth Gets the width of the pane‘s content area.
GetContentIFrame Returns an iframe object containing a web page specified via the pane’s SplitterPane.ContentUrl property (or the client ASPxClientSplitterPane.SetContentUrl method).
GetContentUrl Gets the URL of a web page displayed as a pane’s content.
GetElement Returns an HTML element representing a splitter pane object.
GetNextPane Returns the next sibling pane of the current pane.
GetPane(index) Returns the current pane’s immediate child pane specified by its index.
GetPaneByName(name) Returns the current pane’s child pane specified by its name.
GetPaneCount Returns the number of the current pane’s immediate child panes.
GetParentPane Returns the immediate parent of the current pane.
GetPrevPane Returns the previous sibling pane of the current pane.
GetScrollLeft Returns the distance between the left edge of the pane content and the leftmost portion of the content currently visible in the pane.
GetScrollTop Returns the distance between the top edge of the pane content and the topmost portion of the content currently visible in the pane.
GetSize Returns the splitter pane‘s size, in pixels or percents.
GetSplitter Returns a client splitter object that contains the current pane.
IsCollapsed Returns whether the pane is collapsed.
IsContentUrlPane Returns whether the pane’s content is loaded from an external web page.
IsFirstPane Determines whether the current pane is the first pane within the SplitterPaneCollection.
IsLastPane Determines whether the current pane is the last pane within the SplitterPaneCollection.
IsVertical Returns a value that indicates the orientation in which the current pane and its sibling panes are stacked.
RaiseResizedEvent Forces the client ASPxClientSplitter.PaneResized event to be generated.
RefreshContentUrl Refreshes the content of the web page displayed within the current pane.
SetAllowResize(allowResize) Specifies whether the current pane can be resized by end-users on the client side.
SetContentUrl(url) Sets the URL to point to a web page that should be loaded into, and displayed within the current pane, but should not be cached by a client browser.
SetScrollLeft(value) Specifies the distance between the left edge of the pane content and the leftmost portion of the content currently visible in the pane.
SetScrollTop(value) Specifies the distance between the top edge of the pane content and the topmost portion of the content currently visible in the pane.
SetSize(size) Specifies the splitter pane‘s size in pixels.
See Also