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ASPxClientGridView.ContextMenu Event

Occurs after an end-user right clicks in the GridView, and enables you to provide a custom context menu.


ContextMenu: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientGridViewContextMenuEventHandler<ASPxClientGridView>>

#Event Data

The ContextMenu event's data class is ASPxClientGridViewContextMenuEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
htmlEvent Provides access to the parameters associated with the ASPxClientGridView.ContextMenu event.
index Identifies the grid element being right clicked by the user.
menu Gets the currently processed menu object.
objectType Gets which grid element has been right clicked by the user.
showBrowserMenu Specifies whether a browser context menu should be displayed.


The ASPxGridView control provides a built-in context menu that can be enabled by setting the ASPxGridViewContextMenuSettings.Enabled to true. However you can implement a custom menu using the ContextMenu event handler.

The ContextMenu event is raised after an end-user has right clicks in the ASPxGridView. You can use the event argument properties to determine the type (ASPxClientGridViewContextMenuEventArgs.objectType) and index (ASPxClientGridViewContextMenuEventArgs.index) of the right clicked grid element, to access a menu object ( or event parameters (ASPxClientGridViewContextMenuEventArgs.htmlEvent).

To display a browser context menu, set the ASPxClientGridViewContextMenuEventArgs.showBrowserMenu property to true.

To learn more about the context menu, see the Context Menu Overview topic.


The ContextMenu event isn’t raised under Opera, due to browser restrictions.

#Online Example

View Example: Enable or disable context menu items and change their visibility based on selected row data


The example below handles the ASPxClientGridView.ContextMenu event to display a context menu when a user right-clicks within the column header panel.

The image below shows the result.


<ClientSideEvents ContextMenu="function(s, e) {
            if(e.objectType == 'header') 
                headerMenu.ShowAtPos(ASPxClientUtils.GetEventX(e.htmlEvent), ASPxClientUtils.GetEventY(e.htmlEvent));
}" />
See Also