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ASPxClientDockZone.GetPanelCount Method

Gets the number of panels contained in the zone.


GetPanelCount(): number


Type Description

The number of panels contained within the zone.


The GetPanelCount method returns the total number of panels within the zone, including invisible ones. The zone’s panel collection can be accessed by using the ASPxClientDockZone.GetPanels method. To obtain a particular panel’s visibility, use the ASPxClientPopupControlBase.IsVisible method.


The code sample below demonstrates how you can limit the number of panels contained within a zone.

<dx:ASPxDockZone ID="MyASPxDockZone" runat="server" ZoneUID="MyZone">
     <ClientSideEvents BeforeDock="function(s, e) {
          if (s.GetPanelCount() > 2) 
          e.cancel = true;
     }" />
See Also