ASPxClientCaptcha.Refresh Method
In This Article
Refreshes the code displayed within the editor’s challenge image.
Refresh(): void
To update image, the Refresh method sends a callback to the server, and rerenders an editor.
The Refresh method is useful to implement custom functionality when the refresh button is invisible.
The following part of the ASPxCaptcha - Custom Appearance online demo illustrates how to implement a captcha control with a custom appearance.
In this example, the control’s Refresh Button.ASPxCaptcha and Text Box.ASPxCaptcha are hidden, and their functionaliry is implemented in a custom manner using separate controls (the IMG element, ASPxLabel, ASPxTextBox).
function GetRefreshButton() {
return document.getElementById("refreshButton");
function OnCaptchaBeginCallback(s, e) {
var refreshButton = GetRefreshButton();
refreshButton.src = "Images/refreshButtonAnimated.gif";
function OnCaptchaEndCallback(s, e) {
var refreshButton = GetRefreshButton();
refreshButton.src = "Images/refreshButton.gif";
See Also