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StylePriority Properties

A container of settings that determine which properties of a style assigned to a control should override the corresponding properties of a control.
Name Description
UseBackColor Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s background color should be obtained from the XRControl.BackColor property, or from a style assigned to it.
UseBorderColor Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s border color should be obtained from the XRControl.BorderColor property, or from a style assigned to it.
UseBorderDashStyle Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s border dash style should be obtained from the XRControl.BorderDashStyle property, or from a style assigned to it.
UseBorders Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s borders settings should be obtained from the XRControl.Borders property, or from a style assigned to it.
UseBorderWidth Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s border width should be obtained from the XRControl.BorderWidth property, or from a style assigned to it.
UseFont Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s font should be obtained from the XRControl.Font property, or from a style assigned to it.
UseForeColor Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s foreground color should be obtained from the XRControl.ForeColor property, or from a style assigned to it.
UsePadding Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s padding should be obtained from the XRControl.Padding property, or from a style assigned to it.
UseTextAlignment Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control’s text alignment should be obtained from the XRControl.TextAlignment property, or from a style assigned to it.
See Also