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TreeListOptionsMenu Properties

Provides menu options for Tree List controls.
Name Description
EnableColumnMenu Gets or sets whether end-users can invoke the column header context menu.
EnableFooterMenu Gets or sets whether end-users can invoke footer context menus.
EnableNodeMenu Gets or sets whether users can invoke a context menu with a right-click on a node.
ShowAddNodeItems Gets or sets whether the node context menu contains commands that allow users to add new nodes.
ShowAutoFilterRowItem Gets whether the ‘Show Auto Filter Row’ check item is displayed within the Column Header Context Menu.
ShowConditionalFormattingItem Gets or sets whether the Conditional Formatting menu is available in a column’s context menu at runtime, allowing end-users to apply style formats to columns.
ShowExpandCollapseItems Gets or sets whether to show the expand/collapse commands in the context menu invoked with a right-click on a node.
ShowFooterItem Gets whether the “Show/Hide Footer“ item is displayed within the Column Header Context Menu.
See Also