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ClipboardNodeCopyingEventArgsExtensions.WithGroup(ClipboardNodeCopyingEventArgs, Action<ClipboardValueInfo>) Method

Invokes the specified method that accepts a group row value as a parameter.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Printing

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Navigation, DevExpress.Win.TreeList


public static void WithGroup(
    this ClipboardNodeCopyingEventArgs args,
    Action<ClipboardValueInfo> action


Name Type Description
args ClipboardNodeCopyingEventArgs

The object extended with this method.

action Action<DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Printing.ClipboardValueInfo>

The action that accepts the processed cell values, column or band headers, group row header, or summaries in the group row.

See Also