PrintingSystem Properties
Implements the basic printing functionality of the XtraPrinting Library.Name | Description |
CancelPending | For internal use. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
ContinuousPageNumbering | Gets or sets a value indicating whether pages should be renumbered following reordering in the PrintingSystemBase.Pages collection. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Culture | Specifies the culture used for date and time values in the XRPageInfo control. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
Document | Gets the current document. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
EditingFields | Provides access to the collection of fields whose content can be edited in Print Preview. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
ExportOptions | Gets the settings used to specify export parameters when exporting a printing system’s document. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Graph | Gets a BrickGraphics object used for drawing in the current report. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
ImageResources | Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Landscape | Gets the orientation of a report page. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Links | Gets the collection of links, defined for the current PrintingSystem object. |
PageBounds | Gets the bounds of a report page. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
PageCount | Gets the number of document pages. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
PageMargins | Gets the current page margin settings. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Pages | Provides access to a collection of pages generated for this printing system. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
PageSettings | Gets the current page settings. |
PreviewFormEx | Gets the form used to display the document preview. |
PreviewRibbonFormEx | Gets the Ribbon form used to display the document preview. |
PrintingDocument | For internal use. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
ProgressReflector | Provides access to the object that reflects the current state of a document’s generating or exporting. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
ShowMarginsWarning | Gets or sets a value which specifies whether an error message is shown when the page margins are set outside the printable area. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
ShowPrintStatusDialog | Specifies whether or not to show a print status dialog when printing a document. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
UserName static | Specifies the name of the user that created the document. Inherited from PrintingSystemBase. |
Watermarks |
See Also