DiagramControl.CustomDrawBackground Event
Occurs before the Canvas background is rendered.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraDiagram
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraDiagram.v24.2.dll
public event EventHandler<CustomDrawBackgroundEventArgs> CustomDrawBackground
Event Data
The CustomDrawBackground event's data class is CustomDrawBackgroundEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
ContentBounds | Gets the rectangle which encompasses the background area excluding margins. |
Context | Gets whether the item is to be drawn on the canvas, toolbox, in the print or export output or as the drag preview. |
Graphics | Returns an object that provides painting facilities. |
GraphicsCache | Returns an object that provides painting facilities. |
PageMargin | |
PagesInfo | Gets the list of diagram pages. |
PrintBounds | Gets the rectangle which encompasses the total background area when printing the diagram. |
PrintClientBounds | Gets the rectangle which encompasses the background area excluding margins when printing the diagram. |
PrintIndex | Gets the zero-based index of the page that is currently being rendered when printing the diagram. |
TotalBounds | Gets the rectangle which encompasses the total background area. |
ViewportBounds | Gets the rectangle which encompasses the viewport area. |
Use the CustomDrawBackground event to draw a custom Canvas background.
The following code snippet illustrates how to set an image as the diagram background:
private void DiagramControl_CustomDrawBackground(object sender, CustomDrawBackgroundEventArgs e) {
if (e.Context != DiagramDrawingContext.Print)
e.GraphicsCache.DrawImage(Image.FromFile("Images\\background.jpg"), e.TotalBounds);
The following code snippet illustrates how to display text at the top center of the diagram:
private void DiagramControl_CustomDrawBackground(object sender, CustomDrawBackgroundEventArgs e) {
// Specify the font settings.
using (Font fontStyle = new Font("Segoe UI", 16, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)) {
GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
// Position the text bounds at the top of the diagram.
RectangleF textRect = new RectangleF(0, 10, e.TotalBounds.Width, 30);
// Position the text in the center of the bounds.
StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();
stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
StringFormatInfo formatInfo = new StringFormatInfo(stringFormat);
// Specify the rendering quality.
e.GraphicsCache.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
e.GraphicsCache.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
// Use the DrawPath and FillPath methods to render high quality antialiased text.
path.AddString("Diagram Header",
(int) fontStyle.Style,
e.Graphics.DpiY * fontStyle.Size / 72f,
e.GraphicsCache.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Blue, 1), path);
e.GraphicsCache.FillPath(Brushes.Blue, path);
If the font’s Unit property is not set to GraphicsUnit.Pixel, the font size of the text drawn by the Graphics.DrawString method is scaled based on the DPI settings.