How to: Create a layout in Regular mode in code
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#Online Video
WinForms Layout Control - How to Create Layout Items Using Code
The following example shows how to use the LayoutControl to create the following controls arrangement in Regular (default) layout mode (see LayoutGroup.LayoutMode).
To allow a Layout
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.XtraLayout;
using DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils;
TextEdit editorName = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorName" };
MemoEdit editorAddress = new MemoEdit() { Name = "editorAddress" };
ButtonEdit editorEmail = new ButtonEdit() { Name = "editorEmail" };
PictureEdit editorPicture = new PictureEdit() { Name = "pePhoto" };
TextEdit editorPhone1 = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorPhone1" };
TextEdit editorPhone2 = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorPhone2" };
TextEdit editorFax = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorFax" };
SimpleButton btnOK = new SimpleButton() { Name = "btnOK", Text = "OK" };
SimpleButton btnCancel = new SimpleButton() { Name = "btnCancel", Text = "Cancel" };
MemoEdit editorNotes = new MemoEdit() { Name = "editorNotes" };
LayoutControl lc = new LayoutControl();
lc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
//Create a layout item in the Root group using the LayoutGroup.AddItem method
LayoutControlItem itemName = lc.Root.AddItem();
itemName.Name = "liName";
itemName.Control = editorName;
itemName.Text = "Name";
//Create a layout item using the LayoutControlItem constructor
LayoutControlItem itemAddress = new LayoutControlItem(lc, editorAddress);
itemAddress.Name = "liAddress";
itemAddress.Text = "Address";
// Move the layout item to a position next to the 'Name' layout item.
itemAddress.Move(itemName, InsertType.Right);
//Create a layout item using the LayoutControlItem constructor
LayoutControlItem itemEmail = new LayoutControlItem(lc, editorEmail);
itemEmail.Name = "liEmail";
itemEmail.Text = "E-mail";
// Move the layout item to a position below the 'Name' layout item.
itemEmail.Move(itemName, InsertType.Bottom);
// Add the Photo group.
LayoutControlGroup groupPhoto = lc.Root.AddGroup();
groupPhoto.Name = "lgPhoto";
groupPhoto.Text = "Photo";
// Add a new layout item to the group to display an image.
LayoutControlItem liPhoto = groupPhoto.AddItem();
liPhoto.Name = "liPhoto";
liPhoto.Control = editorPicture;
liPhoto.TextVisible = false;
//A tabbed group
TabbedControlGroup tabbedGroup = lc.Root.AddTabbedGroup(groupPhoto, InsertType.Right);
tabbedGroup.Name = "TabbedGroupPhoneFax";
// Add the Phone group as a tab.
LayoutControlGroup groupPhone = tabbedGroup.AddTabPage() as LayoutControlGroup;
groupPhone.Name = "lgPhone";
groupPhone.Text = "Phone";
LayoutControlItem liPhone1 = groupPhone.AddItem();
liPhone1.Name = "liPhone1";
liPhone1.Control = editorPhone1;
liPhone1.Text = "Phone 1";
LayoutControlItem liPhone2 = groupPhone.AddItem();
liPhone2.Name = "liPhone2";
liPhone2.Control = editorPhone2;
liPhone2.Text = "Phone 2";
// Add an empty resizable region below the last added layout item.
EmptySpaceItem emptySpace11 = new EmptySpaceItem();
emptySpace11.Parent = groupPhone;
// Add the Fax group as a tab.
LayoutControlGroup groupFax = tabbedGroup.AddTabPage() as LayoutControlGroup;
groupFax.Name = "lgFax";
groupFax.Text = "Fax";
LayoutControlItem liFax = groupFax.AddItem();
liFax.Name = "liFax";
liFax.Control = editorFax;
liFax.Text = "Fax";
// Add an empty resizable region below the last added layout item.
EmptySpaceItem emptySpace12 = new EmptySpaceItem();
emptySpace12.Parent = groupFax;
tabbedGroup.SelectedTabPage = groupPhone;
// Create a borderless group to display the OK and CANCEL buttons at the bottom of the LayoutControl
// If items are combined in a group, their alignmenent is not dependent on the items outside this group.
LayoutControlGroup groupButtons = lc.Root.AddGroup();
groupButtons.Name = "GroupButtons";
groupButtons.GroupBordersVisible = false;
EmptySpaceItem emptySpace2 = new EmptySpaceItem();
emptySpace2.Parent = groupButtons;
//Create a layout item (using the LayoutGroup.AddItem method) next to the 'emptySpace2' item
LayoutControlItem itemOKButton = groupButtons.AddItem(emptySpace2, InsertType.Right);
itemOKButton.Name = "liButtonOK";
itemOKButton.Control = btnOK;
itemOKButton.Text = "OK Button";
itemOKButton.TextVisible = false;
itemOKButton.SizeConstraintsType = SizeConstraintsType.Custom;
itemOKButton.MaxSize = new Size(200, 25);
itemOKButton.MinSize = new Size(90, 25);
//Create a layout item (using the LayoutGroup.AddItem method) next to the 'itemOKButton' item
LayoutControlItem itemCancelButton = groupButtons.AddItem(itemOKButton, InsertType.Right);
itemCancelButton.Name = "liButton";
itemCancelButton.Control = btnCancel;
itemCancelButton.Text = "Cancel Button";
itemCancelButton.TextVisible = false;
itemCancelButton.SizeConstraintsType = SizeConstraintsType.Custom;
itemCancelButton.MaxSize = new Size(200, 25);
itemCancelButton.MinSize = new Size(90, 25);
// Create a hidden layout item.
LayoutControlItem itemNotes = new LayoutControlItem();
itemNotes.Name = "liNotes";
lc.HiddenItems.AddRange(new BaseLayoutItem[] { itemNotes });
itemNotes.Control = editorNotes;
itemNotes.Text = "Notes";