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Template Gallery

  • 5 minutes to read

The DevExpress Template Gallery is a set of templates that utilize specific DevExpress controls and components. The gallery includes project templates as well as templates for individual project items (forms, user controls, etc.).

Follow the steps below to run the DevExpress Template Gallery.

  • In Visual Studio, click File | New | Project to invoke a standard New Project, or right-click an existing project in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer and select Add | New Item to display the Add New Item dialog. Locate the DevExpress v24.1 Template Gallery item, then select it and click the “OK” or “Add” button — depending on the dialog.
  • Click the DevExpress menu item in Visual Studio and select All Platforms | New Item… (or New Project…).

The following figure illustrates the DevExpress Template Gallery:

TemplateGallery - Dialog Elements

  • Platform — Select the application platform.

  • Framework - Specify the target framework for your application: .NET Framework or .NET Core.

  • Language — Choose between C# and Visual Basic.

  • Templates — Choose a template from a list of project templates available for the selected platform, framework, and language.

  • Search Box — Allows you to search for specific templates by title.

Project Template Information

The following table enumerates all “New Project” templates included in the Template Gallery.

Template Name

Template Description

Controls and Components in Use

  WinForms Common group

Blank Application

An empty application with a skinnable main form.


Toolbar-based Application

An application with a skinnable main form that contains three bars — main menu bar, regular toolbar, and status bar.

XtraForm, BarManager

Ribbon-based Application

An application with a Ribbon form that encapsulates the Ribbon itself.

RibbonForm, RibbonControl, RibbonStatusBar

Tabbed UI Application

An application with a tabbed main form that implements the Tab UI found in popular Web browsers.


  WinForms Business Solutions group

Word Processing Application

A Microsoft Word-inspired application.

RichEditControl, RibbonControl, RibbonForm

Scheduling Application

A Microsoft Outlook-inspired application.

SchedulerControl, NavBarControl, DateNavigator, RibbonControl, RibbonForm

Spreadsheet Application

A spreadsheet application with a Ribbon UI.

SpreadsheetControl, RibbonControl, RibbonForm

PdfViewer Application

A Ribbon UI-based application for browsing .PDF files.

PdfViewer, RibbonControl, RibbonForm

Map Application

A map browser with Ribbon UI.

MapControl, RibbonControl, RibbonForm

  WinForms Popular UIs group

Grid-based UI

A simple data-editing application with tabular data representation.

GridControl, RibbonControl, RibbonForm

Grid-based UI (Office 365-inspired)

A data-editing application. The Data Grid control is switched to the Tile View and mimics Microsoft Outlook’s Compact View option.

GridControl, RibbonControl, RibbonForm

UI-ready Form

These templates allow you to add separate application modules, which can be combined into a solid multi-screen application. There are three application module types available.

  • Navigation Container — a start-up hub page that allows end users to navigate to Business Object Collection pages.
  • Business Object Collection — a tier two application page that displays all data records from a specific collection (for example, all entities from the “Customers” data table).
  • Business Object — a tier three application page for viewing and editing individual data records (for example, information about a specific customer).

Each module can be designed differently depending on the selected UI type.

Depends on the selected UI type

  WinForms Windows UI Applications group

Blank Application

An empty application that targets Windows UI.

DocumentManager (WindowsUIView), XtraForm

Tile Application

A multi-screen Windows Modern UI application bound to a sample data source. See How To: Create a Windows Modern UI Application Using the Template Gallery to learn more.

DocumentManager (WindowsUIView), XtraForm

Wizard Application

An application that emulates a Windows 10-style installation wizard.

DocumentManager (WindowsUIView), XtraForm

Item Template Information

The table below lists all templates used to add new items into an existing WinForms project.

Template Name

Template Description

Controls and Components in Use

  WinForms Common group

User Control

A skinnable user control.



A skinnable form.


Ribbon Form

A form designed to be used with the Ribbon control.


Splash Screen

A splash screen window with a predefined content template.


Progress Indicator

A marquee progress bar splash screen with a predefined content template.


  WinForms Popular UIs group

UI-ready User Control,

UI-ready Form

These templates allow you to add separate application modules, which can be combined into a solid multi-screen application. There are three application module types available.

  • Navigation Container — a start-up hub page that allows end users to navigate to Business Object Collection pages.
  • Business Object Collection — a tier 2 application page that displays all data records from a specific collection (for example, all entities from the “Customers” data table).
  • Business Object — a tier 3 application page to view and edit individual data records (for example, information about a specific customer).

You can design each module differently depending on the selected UI type.

Depends on the selected UI type

  WinForms MVVM group

Blank View Model

View & View Model

Adds a class that is an MVVM-ready View Model. Optionally, adds an XtraUserControl that is the View related to this View Model. The View Model can be a regular or POCO View Model (see the “POCO properties” section of the Data Bindings and Notifications article to learn more about POCO classes).

Only for the “View & View Model” template: MvvmContext, XtraUserControl

  WinForms Custom Solutions group

Custom Data Editor

Adds a separate class that defines a custom data editor, derived from the selected DevExpress editor. Provides options to implement custom infrastructure classes (painter and view info) for your custom editor.


Custom Data Grid

Allows you to generate a custom Data Grid control descendant with required infrastructure classes.


  WinForms Reporting group

Report Wizard

Runs a Report Wizard to set up your report before adding it to the project.


Scheduler Report

Adds a specialized DevExpress Report that supports Scheduler and Calendar reporting option.


  Dashboards group


An empty DevExpress Dashboard that can be customized at design time.
