TimelineView Fields
A view that arranges events and appointments across horizontal timelines.Name | Description |
ActualHorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the ActualHorizontalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ActualResourceNavigatorVisibilityProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ActualShowCellControlsProperty static | Identifies the ActualShowCellControls dependency property. |
ActualVerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the ActualVerticalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ActualViewModeProperty static | Identifies the ActualViewMode dependency property. |
ActualZoomRangeProperty static | Identifies the ActualZoomRange dependency property. |
AllowDropProperty static | Identifies the AllowDrop dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
AppointmentContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentContentTemplate dependency property. |
AppointmentContentTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentContentTemplateSelector dependency property. |
AppointmentFullIntervalStringFormatProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentFullIntervalStringFormat dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
AppointmentIntervalStringFormatProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentIntervalStringFormat dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
AppointmentLeftArrowTextStringFormatProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentLeftArrowTextStringFormat dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
AppointmentMinHeightProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentMinHeight dependency property. |
AppointmentMinWidthProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentMinWidth dependency property. |
AppointmentRightArrowTextStringFormatProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentRightArrowTextStringFormat dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
AppointmentsDeferredRenderingProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentsDeferredRendering dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
AppointmentsDeferredRenderingRangeProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentsDeferredRenderingRange dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
AppointmentsOpacityAnimationProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
AppointmentStyleProperty static | Identifies the AppointmentStyle dependency property. |
AreAnyTouchesCapturedProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesCaptured dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithinProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOverProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
AreAnyTouchesOverProperty static | Identifies the AreAnyTouchesOver dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
BindingGroupProperty static | Identifies the BindingGroup dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
CaptionProperty static | Identifies the ViewBase.Caption dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
CellContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the CellContentTemplate dependency property. |
CellContentTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the CellContentTemplateSelector dependency property. |
CellStyleProperty static | Identifies the CellStyle dependency property. |
ContextMenuClosingEvent static | Identifies the ContextMenuClosing Routed Events Overview. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
ContextMenuOpeningEvent static | Identifies the ContextMenuOpening Routed Events Overview. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
ContextMenuProperty static | Identifies the ContextMenu dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
CursorProperty static | Identifies the Cursor dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
DataContextProperty static | Identifies the DataContext dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
DateHeaderContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the DateHeaderContentTemplate dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
DateHeaderContentTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the DateHeaderContentTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
DateHeaderStyleProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
DefaultStyleKeyProperty protected static | Identifies the DefaultStyleKey dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
DescriptionProperty static | Identifies the ViewBase.Description dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
DragEnterEvent static | Identifies the DragEnter routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
DragLeaveEvent static | Identifies the DragLeave routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
DragOverEvent static | Identifies the DragOver routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
DropEvent static | Identifies the Drop routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
FirstVisibleResourceIndexProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
FocusableProperty static | Identifies the Focusable dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
FocusVisualStyleProperty static | Identifies the FocusVisualStyle dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
ForceCursorProperty static | Identifies the ForceCursor dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
GiveFeedbackEvent static | Identifies the GiveFeedback routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
GlyphProperty static | Identifies the ViewBase.Glyph dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
GotFocusEvent static | Identifies the GotFocus routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
GotKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the GotKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
GotMouseCaptureEvent static | Identifies the GotMouseCapture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
GotStylusCaptureEvent static | Identifies the GotStylusCapture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
GotTouchCaptureEvent static | Identifies the GotTouchCapture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
GroupSeparatorSizeProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
HighlightNonworkingHoursProperty static | Identifies the HighlightNonworkingHours dependency property. |
HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the HorizontalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
InputScopeProperty static | Identifies the InputScope dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
IntervalCountProperty static | Identifies the IntervalCount dependency property. |
IntervalDurationProperty static | Identifies the IntervalDuration dependency property. |
IsActiveProperty static | Identifies the ViewBase.IsActive dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
IsAppointmentsOpacityAnimationEnabledProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
IsEnabledProperty static | Identifies the IsEnabled dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsFocusedProperty static | Identifies the IsFocused dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsKeyboardFocusedProperty static | Identifies the IsKeyboardFocused dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsKeyboardFocusWithinProperty static | Identifies the IsKeyboardFocusWithin dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsMouseCapturedProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseCaptured dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsMouseCaptureWithinProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseCaptureWithin dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsMouseDirectlyOverProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsMouseOverProperty static | Identifies the IsMouseOver dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsStylusCapturedProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusCaptured dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsStylusCaptureWithinProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusCaptureWithin dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsStylusDirectlyOverProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusDirectlyOver dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsStylusOverProperty static | Identifies the IsStylusOver dependency property. Inherited from ContentElement. |
IsVerticalPerPixelScrollingEnabledProperty static | Identifies the IsVerticalPerPixelScrollingEnabled dependency property. |
IsVerticalScrollSnappingEnabledProperty static | Identifies the IsVerticalScrollSnappingEnabled dependency property. |
KeyDownEvent static | Identifies the KeyDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
KeyUpEvent static | Identifies the KeyUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
LanguageProperty static | Identifies the Language dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
LargeGlyphProperty static | Identifies the ViewBase.LargeGlyph dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
LoadedEvent static | Identifies the Loaded Routed Events Overview. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
LostFocusEvent static | Identifies the LostFocus routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
LostKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the LostKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
LostMouseCaptureEvent static | Identifies the LostMouseCapture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
LostStylusCaptureEvent static | Identifies the LostStylusCapture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
LostTouchCaptureEvent static | Identifies the LostTouchCapture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MoreButtonsVisibilityProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
MouseDownEvent static | Identifies the MouseDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseEnterEvent static | Identifies the MouseEnter routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseLeaveEvent static | Identifies the MouseLeave routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseLeftButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the MouseLeftButtonDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseLeftButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the MouseLeftButtonUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseMoveEvent static | Identifies the MouseMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseRightButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the MouseRightButtonDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseRightButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the MouseRightButtonUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseUpEvent static | Identifies the MouseUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
MouseWheelEvent static | Identifies the MouseWheel routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
NameProperty static | Identifies the Name dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
NavigationButtonsVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the NavigationButtonsVisibility dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
OverridesDefaultStyleProperty static | Identifies the OverridesDefaultStyle dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
PreviewDragEnterEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDragEnter routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewDragLeaveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDragLeave routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewDragOverEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDragOver routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewDropEvent static | Identifies the PreviewDrop routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewGiveFeedbackEvent static | Identifies the PreviewGiveFeedback routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the PreviewGotKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewKeyDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewKeyDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewKeyUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewKeyUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent static | Identifies the PreviewLostKeyboardFocus routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseLeftButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseRightButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseRightButtonDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseRightButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseRightButtonUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewMouseWheelEvent static | Identifies the PreviewMouseWheel routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewQueryContinueDragEvent static | Identifies the PreviewQueryContinueDrag routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusButtonDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusButtonUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusInAirMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusInRangeEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusInRange routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusOutOfRange routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusSystemGesture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewStylusUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewStylusUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewTextInputEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTextInput routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewTouchDownEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTouchDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewTouchMoveEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTouchMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
PreviewTouchUpEvent static | Identifies the PreviewTouchUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
QueryContinueDragEvent static | Identifies the QueryContinueDrag routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
QueryCursorEvent static | Identifies the QueryCursor routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
RequestZoomEvent static | Identifies the RequestZoom routed event. |
ResourceAutoHeightProperty static | Identifies the ResourceAutoHeight dependency property. |
ResourceHeaderContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the ResourceHeaderContentTemplate dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ResourceHeaderContentTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the ResourceHeaderContentTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ResourceHeaderStyleProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ResourceMaxHeightProperty static | Identifies the ResourceMaxHeight dependency property. |
ResourceMinHeightProperty static | Identifies the ResourceMinHeight dependency property. |
ResourcesPerPageProperty static | Identifies the ResourcesPerPage dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ResourceWidthProperty static | Identifies the ResourceWidth dependency property. |
SchedulerProperty static | Identifies the ViewBase.Scheduler dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
ShowAppointmentArrowImagesProperty static | Identifies the ShowAppointmentArrowImages dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowAppointmentDescriptionProperty static | Identifies the ShowAppointmentDescription dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowAppointmentIntervalProperty static | Identifies the ShowAppointmentInterval dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowAppointmentLocationProperty static | Identifies the ShowAppointmentLocation dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowAppointmentRecurrenceImageProperty static | Identifies the ShowAppointmentRecurrenceImage dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowAppointmentReminderImageProperty static | Identifies the ShowAppointmentReminderImage dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowAppointmentStatusProperty static | Identifies the ShowAppointmentStatus dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowCellControlsProperty static | Identifies the ShowCellControls dependency property. |
ShowDayHeadersProperty static | Identifies the ShowDayHeaders dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowInCommandBarProperty static | Identifies the ShowInCommandBar dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
ShowResourceHeadersProperty static | Identifies the ShowResourceHeaders dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowResourceNavigatorProperty static | Identifies the ShowResourceNavigator dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ShowTimeIndicatorOverAppointmentProperty static | Identifies the ShowTimeIndicatorOverAppointment dependency property. |
SnapToCellsModeProperty static | Identifies the SnapToCellsMode dependency property. |
StretchAppointmentsProperty static | Identifies the StretchAppointments dependency property. |
StyleProperty static | Identifies the Style dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
StylusButtonDownEvent static | Identifies the StylusButtonDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusButtonUpEvent static | Identifies the StylusButtonUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusDownEvent static | Identifies the StylusDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusEnterEvent static | Identifies the StylusEnter routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusInAirMoveEvent static | Identifies the StylusInAirMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusInRangeEvent static | Identifies the StylusInRange routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusLeaveEvent static | Identifies the StylusLeave routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusMoveEvent static | Identifies the StylusMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusOutOfRangeEvent static | Identifies the StylusOutOfRange routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusSystemGestureEvent static | Identifies the StylusSystemGesture routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
StylusUpEvent static | Identifies the StylusUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
TagProperty static | Identifies the Tag dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
TextInputEvent static | Identifies the TextInput routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
TimeIndicatorVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the TimeIndicatorVisibility dependency property. |
TimeRegionContentTemplateProperty static | Identifies the TimeRegionContentTemplate dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
TimeRegionContentTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the TimeRegionContentTemplateSelector dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
TimeRegionSnapToCellsModeProperty static | Identifies the TimeRegionSnapToCellsMode dependency property. |
TimeRegionVisibilityProperty static | Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
TimeScaleMaxCountProperty static | Identifies the TimeScaleMaxCount dependency property. |
TimeScalesProperty static | Identifies the TimeScales dependency property. |
TimeScalesSourceProperty static | Identifies the TimeScalesSource dependency property. |
TimeScaleStyleProperty static | Identifies the TimeScaleStyle dependency property. |
TimeScaleTemplateProperty static | Identifies the TimeScaleTemplate dependency property. |
TimeScaleTemplateSelectorProperty static | Identifies the TimeScaleTemplateSelector dependency property. |
ToolTipClosingEvent static | Identifies the ToolTipClosing Routed Events Overview. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
ToolTipOpeningEvent static | Identifies the ToolTipOpening Routed Events Overview. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
ToolTipProperty static | Identifies the ToolTip dependency property. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
TouchDownEvent static | Identifies the TouchDown routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
TouchEnterEvent static | Identifies the TouchEnter routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
TouchLeaveEvent static | Identifies the TouchLeave routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
TouchMoveEvent static | Identifies the TouchMove routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
TouchUpEvent static | Identifies the TouchUp routed event. Inherited from ContentElement. |
UnloadedEvent static | Identifies the Unloaded Routed Events Overview. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement. |
VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty static | Identifies the VerticalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. Inherited from SchedulerViewBase. |
ViewportIntervalProperty static | Identifies the ViewportInterval dependency property. |
ViewportStartProperty static | Identifies the ViewportStart dependency property. |
VisualDataProperty static | Identifies the ViewBase.VisualData dependency property. Inherited from ViewBase. |
ZoomProperty static | Identifies the Zoom dependency property. |
ZoomRangeProperty static | Identifies the ZoomRange dependency property. |
See Also