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IMDIController Members

Provides methods to perform operations on MDI panels.


Name Description
MDIMenuBar Gets the item’s MenuBar when the DocumentGroup’s MDIStyle property is MDI.


Name Description
ArrangeIcons(BaseLayoutItem) Arranges the icons for minimized windows at the bottom of the main window.
Cascade(BaseLayoutItem) Displays the item or its children in a cascade.
ChangeMDIStyle(BaseLayoutItem) Changes the item’s MDIStyle property.
CreateCommand<T>(BaseLayoutItem[]) Creates the dock command for the specified items.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
Maximize(BaseLayoutItem) Maximizes the document.
Maximize(DocumentPanel) Maximizes the document.
Minimize(BaseLayoutItem) Minimizes the document.
Minimize(DocumentPanel) Minimizes the document.
Restore(BaseLayoutItem) Restores the document to its previous state.
Restore(DocumentPanel) Restores the document to its previous state.
TileHorizontal(BaseLayoutItem) Arranges the item horizontally within the group.
TileVertical(BaseLayoutItem) Arranges the item vertically within the group.
See Also