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How to: Use WPF Spell Checker in MVVM Applications

  • 4 minutes to read

This topic explains how to use the MVVM approach to manage Spell Checker integrated into a text-aware control. This approach allows you to handle spell-checker events or store dictionary files in a database.

If your application does not require tracking user interaction or UI customization, you can add a spell checking behavior and manage it in XAML. Refer to the following article for more information: Configure Spell-Checking Behavior.

Create and Bind a Spell Checker

You can use the SpellingSettings option to integrate the Spell Checker into a supported text-aware control.

In the ViewModel class, create a SpellChecker class instance and specify its Culture, SpellingFormType, and SpellCheckMode properties.

View Example

using DevExpress.Mvvm;
using DevExpress.Xpf.SpellChecker;
using DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker;
// ...
public class MainViewModel
// ...
public virtual SpellChecker SpellChecker { get; set; }
// ...
    // Create a SpellChecker class instance.
    SpellChecker = new SpellChecker();
    // Specify the SpellChecker's properties.
    SpellChecker.SpellingFormType = SpellingFormType.Word;
    SpellChecker.SpellCheckMode = SpellCheckMode.AsYouType;
    SpellChecker.Culture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
// ...

In XAML, add references to the following namespaces:


Bind the attached SpellingSettings.SpellChecker property to the created SpellChecker object to enable spell check for a text editor. You can bind this property at the level of the root container to enable this functionality for its children.

<Grid dxsch:SpellingSettings.SpellChecker="{Binding SpellChecker}" 
      dxsch:SpellingSettings.DictionarySourceCollection="{Binding Dictionaries, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">

Bind Dictionaries

Create a DictionarySourceCollection Dictionaries property to bind dictionaries. Create a new DictionarySourceCollection and add a new dictionaries to it. Specify the dictionary file, the affix file, and the culture settings of the dictionary.

public class MainViewModel
    public virtual DictionarySourceCollection Dictionaries { get; set; }
// ...
public MainViewModel()
// ...
Dictionaries = GetDictionaries();
// ...
// ...
public DictionarySourceCollection GetDictionaries()
    // Create a dictionary collection.
    var collection = new DictionarySourceCollection();

    // Create a Hunspell spell-checking dictionary.
    var dictionary = new HunspellDictionarySource() { Culture = new CultureInfo("de-DE") };

    // Load the dictionary file.
    dictionary.DictionaryUri = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/DXSpellCheckerBindingDictionaries;component/Dictionaries/de_DE.dic");
    // Load the affix file.
    dictionary.GrammarUri = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/DXSpellCheckerBindingDictionaries;component/Dictionaries/de_DE.aff");
    // Add the dictionary to the collection.

    var customDictionary = new SpellCheckerCustomDictionarySource() { Culture = new CultureInfo("EN-us") };
    customDictionary.DictionaryUri = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/DXSpellCheckerBindingDictionaries;component/Dictionaries/CustomEnglish.dic");
    customDictionary.AlphabetUri = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/DXSpellCheckerBindingDictionaries;component/Dictionaries/Alphabet.txt");
    return collection;

In XAML, bind the SpellingSettings.DictionarySourceCollection to the Dictionaries property:

<Grid dxsch:SpellingSettings.SpellChecker="{Binding SpellChecker}" 
      dxsch:SpellingSettings.DictionarySourceCollection="{Binding Dictionaries, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">

Handle Spell Checker Events

Subscribe to and handle spell checker events in the ViewModel class. Refer to the following table for a complete list of available events: SpellChecker Events

The following code snippet handles the SpellingFormShowing and RepeatedWordFound events:

// ...
    // Subscribe to events
    SpellChecker.RepeatedWordFound += SpellChecker_RepeatedWordFound;
    SpellChecker.CheckCompleteFormShowing += SpellChecker_CheckCompleteFormShowing;


private void SpellChecker_CheckCompleteFormShowing(object sender, FormShowingEventArgs e)
    MessageBoxService.Show("That's It!");
    e.Handled = true;

private void SpellChecker_RepeatedWordFound(object sender, RepeatedWordFoundEventArgs e)
    e.Result = SpellCheckOperation.Cancel;

This example uses the DXMessageBoxService to show a message. Register this service in XAML:

    <dx:DXMessageBoxService />
See Also