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You can fine-tune a lookup editor by using the BaseEdit.StyleSettings property. This property allows you to alter the appearance and behavior of a lookup editor by adding extra features like searching and multiple item selection. To apply specific settings, assign the lookup’s BaseEdit.StyleSettings property to one of the objects listed in the table below.

LookUpEdit mode

Corresponding settings object




Editor’s dropdown displays a grid. This is a default setting.



Editor’s dropdown displays a grid and a search box.



Editor’s dropdown displays a grid that allows you to select multiple items.



Editor’s dropdown displays a grid that allows you to select multiple items.

Selected items appear as tokens.



Editor’s dropdown displays a grid and a search box. Allows multiple item selection.

Selected items appear as tokens.

Each of the settings objects has a number of properties that you can use to enable or disable the following grid features.

The code example below shows a lookup editor in SearchLookUp mode with the grouping feature disabled.

        <dxg:SearchLookUpEditStyleSettings AllowGrouping="False"/>

The following sections describe different settings provided by the LookUpEdit control in detail.


LookUpEdit mode is used by default.

The editor’s dropdown displays a fully-functional grid that supports the following features:

  • Single item selection
  • Data filtering
  • Data grouping
  • Data sorting

simple LookUpEdit

To learn more, see LookUpEditStyleSettings.


In addition to LookUpEdit features, SearchLookUpEdit displays the embedded GridControl’s search panel. This panel allows users to find information within the data grid.

SearchLookUpEdit Black2010

To learn more, see SearchLookUpEditStyleSettings.


In addition to LookUpEdit features, MultiSelectLookUpEdit supports multiple item selection.


To learn more, see MultiSelectLookUpEditStyleSettings.


TokenLookupEdit mode is inspired by modern mail clients.

In addition to LookUpEdit features, TokenLookupEdit supports the following:

  • Multiple item selection
  • Selected items appear as tokens


To learn more, see TokenLookUpEditStyleSettings.


SearchTokenLookupEdit mode is inspired by modern mail clients.

In addition to LookUpEdit features, SearchTokenLookupEdit supports the following:

  • Data search
  • Multiple item selection
  • Selected items appear as tokens


To learn more, see SearchTokenLookUpEditStyleSettings.

LookUpEdit Modes Comparison

The table below compares the features of different LookUpEdit operation modes.

Grouping Filtering Sorting Single Item Selection Multiple Item Selection[1] Search Tokens Text Editing
LookUpEdit yes yes yes yes no no no yes
SearchLookUpEdit yes yes yes yes no yes no no
MultiselectLookUpEdit yes yes yes yes yes no no no
TokenLookUpEdit yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes
SearchTokenLookUpEdit yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
  1. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Multiple Selection in ComboBoxEdit, LookUpEdit, and ListBoxEdit.

See Also