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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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State Image

A State Image is a visual element that shows the current fixed state of a State Indicator control. This state is specified by the StateIndicatorControl.StateIndex property.

When the current state index is changed, a State Indicator control automatically displays another image that corresponds to the current state.

The appearance of a State Image depends on a state indicator’s model specified by the StateIndicatorControl.Model property. The following images show different models of state indicators.

Traffic Lights Lamp
TrafficLights LampStateIndicator
Smile Arrow
SmileStateIndicator Arrow State Indicator

The table below lists the main properties that affect element behavior and appearance.

Characteristics Members
Appearance StateIndicatorControl.Model, State.Presentation, StateIndicatorControl.DefaultState, StateIndicatorControl.AdditionalStates
Data StateIndicatorControl.StateIndex,StateIndicatorControl.State,StateIndicatorControl.StateCount