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TdxCustomFlowChart.CreateObject(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,TdxFlowChartObjectAdvancedShape) Method

Creates an advanced chart symbol in the control.


function CreateObject(L: Integer; T: Integer; W: Integer; H: Integer; AAdvancedShape: TdxFlowChartObjectAdvancedShape): TdxFcObject; overload;


Name Type Description
L Integer

A distance between the client area’s left border and the created chart symbol’s bounding rectangle, in pixels.

T Integer

A distance between the client area’s top border and the created chart symbol’s bounding rectangle, in pixels.

W Integer

The width (in pixels) of the created chart symbol.

H Integer

The height (in pixels) of the created chart symbol.

AAdvancedShape TdxFlowChartObjectAdvancedShape

An advanced shape from the control’s repository.


Type Description

A chart symbol.


Call this function to place an advanced chart symbol at the specified point within the control’s area.

The code example below shows how to create and customize an advanced shape:

// Contains the TdxFlowChartObjectAdvancedShape class declaration
  ..., dxFlowChartShapes;
  AObj: TdxFcObject;
  // Declared at the dxFlowChartShapes unit;
  AAdvancedShape: TdxFlowChartObjectAdvancedShape
  // Assigns the "Off Page Reference" shape from the advanced shape repository to the AAdvancedShape variable
  AAdvancedShape := dxFlowChart1.Repository.BasicFlowchartShapes.OffPageReference;
  // Adds the advanced shape with predefined dimensions to the specified position
  AObj := dxFlowChart1.CreateObject(10, 10, 200, 100, AAdvancedShape);
  // Fills the shape's background with the silver color
  AObj.BkColor := clSilver;
  // Fills the shape's background with the gray color
  AObj.ShapeColor := clGray;
  // Sets text to display within the shape
  AObj.Text := 'Document';
  // Centers text horizontally within the shape
  AObj.HorzTextPos := fchpCenter;
  // Centers text vertically within the shape
  AObj.VertTextPos := fcvpCenter;
  // Rotates the shape clockwise by 45 degrees
  AObj.Angle := 45; 

You can call the CreateObject(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,TdxFcShapeType) function to create a shape from a predefined set. Note that this set has a limited number of shapes compared to the repository.

See Also