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TdxSpreadSheetCustomBrush.ForegroundColor Property

Specifies the cell fill pattern color.


property ForegroundColor: TColor read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

The cell fill pattern color.


Use the Style property to specify the pattern displayed on top of the base (background) cell fill color. BackgroundColor and ForegroundColor properties specify base and pattern colors, respectively.

Code Example: Populate Cells and Customize Cell Appearance

The following code example performs two batch operations at control and worksheet levels to change the default (document-wide) cell style, populate cells in the active worksheet, and apply a different style to the populated cells:

  ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  ACell: TdxSpreadSheetCell;
  I, J: Integer;
  ATableView := dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheetAsTable;  // Accesses the active worksheet

  // Change the spreadsheet document-wide cell style (the first batch operation)
  dxSpreadSheet1.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change at the control level
    dxSpreadSheet1.DefaultCellStyle.Brush.BackgroundColor := clWebLightBlue;
    dxSpreadSheet1.DefaultCellStyle.Brush.ForegroundColor := clWebLightGreen;
    dxSpreadSheet1.DefaultCellStyle.Brush.Style := sscfsDiagonalStrip;
    dxSpreadSheet1.DefaultCellStyle.Borders[bRight].Color := clLtGray;
    dxSpreadSheet1.DefaultCellStyle.Borders[bRight].Style := sscbsThin;
    dxSpreadSheet1.DefaultCellStyle.Borders[bBottom].Color := clLtGray;
    dxSpreadSheet1.DefaultCellStyle.Borders[bBottom].Style := sscbsThin;
    dxSpreadSheet1.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success

  // Create and populate 75 cells with random integer values (the second batch operation)
  Randomize;  // Initializes the random number generator
  ATableView.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change at the worksheet level
    for I := 0 to 14 do  // Iterates through 15 rows
      for J := 0 to 4 do  // Iterates through 5 columns
        ACell := ATableView.CreateCell(I, J);  // Creates a cell object
        ACell.AsInteger := Random(1000);  // Populates the created cell object with a random integer value
        // Customize cell style settings
        ACell.Style.Borders[bLeft].Color := clWhite;
        ACell.Style.Borders[bLeft].Style := sscbsDotted;
        ACell.Style.Borders[bBottom].Color := clWhite;
        ACell.Style.Borders[bBottom].Style := sscbsDotted;
        ACell.Style.Font.Style := [fsBold, fsItalic];
        ACell.Style.Font.Color := clWhite;
        ACell.Style.Brush.Style := sscfsRevDiagonalStrip;
        ACell.Style.Brush.BackgroundColor := clLime;
        ACell.Style.Brush.ForegroundColor := clGreen;
    ATableView.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success

VCL SpreadSheet: A Cell Population and Style Customization Example

Default Value

The ForegroundColor property’s default value is clDefault.

See Also