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IdxRichEditTable Methods

Exposes a table in a document.
Name Description
BeginUpdate Postpones document redraw operations until an EndUpdate call.
Cell(Integer,Integer) Provides access to a cell by row and column indexes.
EndUpdate Applies all pending changes made after a BeginUpdate call and allows the Rich Edit control to redraw the document.
ForEachCell(TdxRichEditTableCellProcessorDelegate) Executes a specified anonymous procedure for each cell in the table.
ForEachRow(TdxRichEditTableRowProcessorDelegate) Executes a specified anonymous procedure for each row in the table.
GetBorders Returns the table’s borders.
GetBottomPadding Returns the table’s bottom padding.
GetFirstRow Returns the first row in the table.
GetIndent Returns the table’s indent.
GetItem(Integer,Integer) Returns a cell by its row and column indexes.
GetLastRow Returns the last row in the table.
GetLeftPadding Returns the table’s left padding.
GetNestingLevel Returns the nesting level of the table.
GetParentCell Returns the cell that contains the table.
GetPreferredWidth Returns the preferred width of the table’s columns.
GetPreferredWidthType Returns the table’s column width calculation mode.
GetRange Returns the document range that contains the table.
GetRightPadding Return the table’s right padding.
GetRows Returns the table’s row collection.
GetStyle Returns the table’s style.
GetTableAlignment Returns the table’s alignment.
GetTableBackgroundColor Returns the table’s background color.
GetTableCellSpacing Specifies the table’s cell spacing.
GetTableLayout Specifies the table’s layout type.
GetTopPadding Returns the table’s top padding.
MergeCells(IdxRichEditTableCell,IdxRichEditTableCell) Merges the specified cell range.
Reset Resets all style settings of the table.
Reset(TdxRichEditTablePropertiesMask) Resets the specified style settings of the table.
SetBottomPadding(Single) Sets the table’s bottom padding.
SetIndent(Single) Sets the table’s indent.
SetLeftPadding(Single) Sets the table’s left padding.
SetPreferredWidth(Single,TdxRichEditWidthType) Sets the table’s column width and its calculation mode.
SetPreferredWidth(Single) Sets the table’s column width.
SetPreferredWidthType(TdxRichEditWidthType) Sets the calculation mode of the table’s column width.
SetRightPadding(Single) Sets the table’s right padding.
SetStyle(IdxRichEditTableStyle) Sets the table’s style.
SetTableAlignment(TdxRichEditTableRowAlignment) Sets the table’s alignment.
SetTableBackgroundColor(TdxAlphaColor) Sets the table’s background color.
SetTableCellSpacing(Single) Sets the table’s cell spacing.
SetTableLayout(TdxRichEditTableLayoutType) Sets the table’s layout type.
SetTopPadding(Single) Sets the table’s top padding.
See Also