TdxPrintStyleManager Members
Allows a user to apply different print styles to a report.Constructors
Name | Description |
Create(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Name | Description |
AutoHFTextEntries | Contains a list of AutoText values for headers/footers of report pages. |
AutoSave | Specifies whether the style manager automatically saves its settings to a file. |
CloneStyleCaptionPrefix | Determines the prefix for copied print styles. |
ComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentCount | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentIndex | Inherited from TComponent. |
Components | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentState | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentStyle | Inherited from TComponent. |
Count | Contains the number of styles within the style manager component. |
CurrentStyle | Specifies the current print style. |
CurrentStyleIndex | Specifies the index of the current print style. |
Designer | Accesses the design time window at design time. |
DesignInfo | Inherited from TComponent. |
FakeComponentLink1 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
FakeComponentLink2 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
FakeComponentLink3 | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
HelpContext | Provides a context number to use when calling the context-sensitive online Help. |
Images | Determines an image list collection associated with TdxPrintStyleManager. |
IsDesigning | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
IsDestroying | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
IsLoading | Inherited from TcxComponent. |
Name | Inherited from TComponent. |
Observers | Inherited from TComponent. |
Owner | Inherited from TComponent. |
PageSetupDialog | Specifies the page setup dialog component to use. |
PixelsPerInch protected | Returns the DPI value corresponding to the component’s current scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
PreviewBtnClicked | |
PrintBtnClicked | |
Scalable protected | Specifies if the component’s content should be scaled. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
ScaleFactor protected | Returns the component’s scale factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
StorageName | Determines the file name used to store print style information. |
Styles | Specifies a print style via its index. |
Tag | Inherited from TComponent. |
Title | Determines the title of the style manager dialog window. |
UpdateCount | Stands for an internal counter. |
VCLComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
Version | Indicates the version number which is used to restore previously applied changes to styles a developer has made. |
Name | Description |
AddStyle(TdxPrintStyleClass) | Adds a new style to the list of available print styles. |
AddStyleEx(TdxPrintStyleClass,TComponent) | Adds a new style to the list of available print styles. |
Assign(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
AssignStyles(TdxPrintStyleManager) | Copies print styles. |
AssignTo(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
BeginClone(Integer) | Starts the copying of a print style. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginUpdate | Disables events generation. |
BuildAutoHFTextEntriesMenu(TComponent,Pointer,Boolean) | Builds a popup menu that contains the AutoText value list in the Print Preview and Page Setup windows. |
ChangeScale(Integer,Integer) protected | Scales the component and the associated controls and/or UI elements using the specified numerator and denominator values. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
Clear | Deletes all print styles within the current style manager. |
DefaultCloneStyleCaptionPrefix | |
DefaultTitle | |
DefinePrintStylesDlg(Boolean,Boolean) | Displays the Define Print Styles dialog window. |
Delete(Integer) | Deletes a specified print style. |
DeleteNonBuiltIns | Deletes all not built-in print styles. |
DestroyComponents | Inherited from TComponent. |
Destroying | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndClone(TBasedxPrintStyle) | Completes the copying of a print style. |
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndUpdate | Enables events generation. |
Equals(TObject) | Inherited from TObject. |
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FindComponent(String) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeOnRelease | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetHashCode | Inherited from TObject. |
GetNamePath | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetOwner | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetParentComponent | Inherited from TComponent. |
HasParent | Inherited from TComponent. |
IndexOfStyle(TBasedxPrintStyle) | Specifies the index of a specified print style. |
InsertComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Loaded protected | Initializes the component following the application form loading. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
LoadFromFile(string) | Loads all the style manager’s settings from a file. |
LoadFromIniFile(TCustomIniFile,string) | Loads the style manager’s AutoText entries from a specified section of a certain INI file. |
LoadFromRegistry(string) | Loads the style manager’s AutoText entries from a specified registry path. |
LoadFromStream(TStream) | Reads all the style manager’s settings from a stream and stores the contents within TdxPrintStyleManager. |
NonBuiltInsExists | Specifies whether non built-in print styles exist within the current style manager. |
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RefreshAutoHFTextEntries | Refreshes the list of the AutoText values for headers/footers. |
RemoveComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RestoreDefaultAutoHFTextEntries | |
RestoreDefaults | Loads default settings for print styles. |
RestoreDefaultStyles | |
SaveToFile(string) | Saves the style manager’s settings and styles to a file. |
SaveToIniFile(TCustomIniFile,string) | Saves the style manager’s AutoText entries into a specified section of a certain INI file. |
SaveToRegistry(string) | Saves the style manager’s AutoText entries to a specified registry path. |
SaveToStream(TStream) | Writes all style manager settings to a stream passed as the AStream parameter. |
ScaleForPPI(Integer) | Scales the component according to the specified DPI value. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent. |
SetParentComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
SetSubComponent(Boolean) | Inherited from TComponent. |
ShowAutoHFTextEntriesDlg | Displays the Edit AutoText Entries dialog window. |
StyleByCaption(string) | Returns a print style by its caption. |
StyleByName(string) | Returns a print style by its name. |
ToString | Inherited from TObject. |
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Name | Description |
OnChangeCurrentStyle | Occurs when the current print style of a style manager is about to change. |
OnStyleListChanged | Occurs when updating the list of available print styles. |
See Also