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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxPrintStyleManager.LoadFromIniFile(TCustomIniFile,string) Method

Loads the style manager’s AutoText entries from a specified section of a certain INI file.


procedure LoadFromIniFile(AIniFile: TCustomIniFile; const ASectionName: string);


Name Type
AIniFile TCustomIniFile
ASectionName string


Call this method to load the style manager’s AutoText entries that were previously saved via the SaveToIniFile method. The AIniFile and ASectionName parameters specify the source INI file, which is currently open, and section in this file, respectively. You can specify the full path to the file or a path relative to an application’s starting folder.

To load the style manager’s settings from the registry, call the LoadFromRegistry method.


You can restore all the style manager’s settings, including AutoText entries, via the LoadFromFile or LoadFromStream method call, or allow the style manager to automatically restore these settings by enabling its AutoSave option.

See Also