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TcxSchedulerReportLink Properties

Implements the scheduler’s report generating component.
Name Description
AbortBuilding Specifies that the building of a report should be cancelled. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Active Creates a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ActiveStyles protected Obtains the set of styles that are currently applied to the control, which is associated with the current report link. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
AreNativeStylesAvailable protected Indicates whether native styles can be used to define the appearance of the control associated with the current report link. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
AssignedFormatValues Indicates which formats have been assigned to a report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
BuiltIn Determines whether the current link item is created at design- or runtime. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Capabilities Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Caption Defines a text string that identifies a link for a user. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Color Specifies the background color of report cells. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
Component Specifies the target component to print. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentPrinter Specifies the component printer to which the report link belongs. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
ContinuousPageIndexes protected Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Controller Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
CurrentPage Specifies the current page within a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
CurrentPrintStyle Determines the current print style. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Data Specifies additional arbitrary data. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
DataSource Specifies if the report link’s report is loaded from an external storage (file, stream, or explorer item) or built using the data displayed by a linked component. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
DateFormat Specifies date representation format. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
DateTime Determines date and time of a specific report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Description Describes a report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
DesignerCaption Specifies the caption of a designer form. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
DesignerHelpContext Provides the designer context number for use when calling context-sensitive online Help. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DesignWindow Represents the scheduler’s report designer dialog.
FakeComponentLink1 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FakeComponentLink2 Inherited from TcxComponent.
FakeComponentLink3 Inherited from TcxComponent.
Font Specifies report font. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
FootersOnEveryPage protected Specifies whether footers are printed on every page of a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
HasDesignWindow Indicates whether the current report link has a designer associated with it. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
HasPreviewWindow Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
HeadersOnEveryPage protected Specifies whether headers are printed on every page of a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Index Determines the index of a link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
IsAggregated Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
IsCurrentLink Determines if the report link is active (also called current). Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
IsDesigning Inherited from TcxComponent.
IsDestroying Inherited from TcxComponent.
IsLoading Inherited from TcxComponent.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
OptionsExpanding Represents a set of options which define how expandable controls are displayed within a report. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
OptionsFormatting Represents formatting options, which control the generic attributes of the scheduler’s report.
OptionsPagination Represents a set of options, which determine how a report that spans multiple pages is split across the pages. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
OptionsRefinements Represents a set of options, which can be applied to a report to refine its appearance. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
OptionsSize Represents a set of options which affect the size of the control associated with a report link. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
OptionsView Represents a set of options, which control the visibility of the control’s elements within a report. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
PageCount Returns the number of report pages. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
PageHeight protected Returns the absolute height (in pixels) of a printed page. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
PageNumberFormat Specifies page number format in a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
PageWidth protected Returns the absolute width (in pixels) of a printed page. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
PDFExportOptions Provides access to settings that define how the report link exports its content to a PDF file. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
PixelsPerInch protected Returns the DPI value corresponding to the component’s current scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
PreviewWindow Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
PrinterPage Determines report page properties. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
PrintRange Represents the TcxSchedulerReportLinkPrintRange object.
PrintStyles Represents a collection of print styles that specify the way the user events are arranged in the scheduler’s report.
RealPrinterPage Provides access to settings of a printout page layout. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
RealScaleFactor Returns the scale factor used to preview a report page. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
RebuildNeeded Identifies if the built report is up to date. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Renderer Provides access to the report painter. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
RenderStage Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportCells Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportDocument Provides access to the report document settings. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportFootnotes Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportHeight Determines the height of a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportTitle Determines report title properties. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportTitleMode Specifies the manner in which a report title is displayed. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportTitleText Determines a report’s title. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ReportWidth Determines the width of a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Scalable protected Specifies if the component’s content should be scaled. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
ScaleFactor protected Returns the component’s scaling factor. Inherited from TcxScalableComponent.
ScaleFonts Specifies whether to rescale report fonts. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Scheduler Represents the scheduler control the scheduler’s report generating component is plugged to.
ShowDesigner Displays the Report Designer window. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ShowPageFooter Determines whether to add page footer to the report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ShowPageHeader Determines whether to add a page header to a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ShowPageRowHeader Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
ShrinkToPageWidth Specifies if the report’s content shrinks to fit into a single paper sheet horizontally. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
StartPageIndex Determines the index of the first report page. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
StorageName Specifies the full path to the file from which the report is loaded. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
StyleManager Determines the style manager for a report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
StyleRepository Specifies the repository object which manages the collections of styles and style sheets. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
Styles Represents a collection of the available styles, which can be applied to the elements that they correspond to in the scheduler’s report.
SupportedCustomDraw Specifies whether the report is painted using custom draw events and that default painting isn’t required. Inherited from TdxCustomcxControlReportLink.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
TaskPadReportLink Represents the task pad report link.
TimeFormat Specifies the manner in which time information is formatted within a report. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
Transparent protected Determines whether cells are filled with the default color. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
UseHorzDelimiters protected Specifies whether to prevent a row from breaking across multiple pages. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
UseVertDelimiters protected Specifies whether to prevent a column from breaking across multiple pages. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
See Also