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TcxSchedulerReportLink Events

Implements the scheduler’s report generating component.
Name Description
OnActivePrintStyleChanged Fires when the active print style has been changed.
OnCanPrintEvent Fires when the current user event is going to be displayed in the scheduler’s report.
OnChangeComponent Occurs when the Component property changes. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawContentCell Fires when each time block in the report’s scheduling area is about to be drawn.
OnCustomDrawDateNavigatorDayCaptionCell Fires when the caption of a day (fires once for each day) in the Date Navigator is about to be drawn in the scheduler’s report.
OnCustomDrawDateNavigatorDayCell Fires when a day in the Date Navigator is about to be drawn in the scheduler’s report.
OnCustomDrawDateNavigatorHeaderCell Fires when the Date Navigator‘s month header is about to be drawn in the scheduler’s report.
OnCustomDrawDateNavigatorWeekNumberCell Fires when the Date Navigator‘s week number is about to be drawn in the scheduler’s report.
OnCustomDrawEventPartCell Fires when an area within a user event cell is about to be drawn in the scheduler’s report.
OnCustomDrawHeaderCell Fires when the cell, which contains the resource and day headers, is about to be drawn in the scheduler’s report.
OnCustomDrawNotesCell Fires when the blank or lined notes pane is about to be drawn in the scheduler’s report.
OnCustomDrawPageFooter Enables you to custom paint page footers for the report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawPageHeader Enables you to custom paint page headers for the report link. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawReportLinkFootnotes Enables you to custom paint footnotes. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawReportLinkTitle Occurs when drawing the report title. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnCustomDrawSchedulerHeaderCell Fires when the scheduler header in the scheduler’s report is about to be drawn.
OnCustomDrawTaskPadCell Fires when the report’s task pad is about to be drawn.
OnCustomDrawTimeRulerCell Fires when each hour cell in the report’s time zone is about to be drawn.
OnDataSourceChanged Enables you to respond to an impending change in the report link’s report source. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnDestroy Occurs when a report link is being destroyed. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnFilterStyle Occurs when retrieving the list of available print styles. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnGetNewReportStorageName Enables you to customize the report storage’s default name. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnInitializeEventCell Fires when the report’s user event cell is about to be rendered.
OnInitializeHeaderPrimaryCell Fires when the report’s first header cell is about to be rendered.
OnInitializeHeaderSecondaryCell Fires when the report’s second header cell is about to be rendered.
OnInitializeNotesAreaCell Fires when the notes pane in the scheduler’s report is about to be rendered.
OnInitializeSchedulingAreaCell Fires when each time block in the report’s scheduling area is about to be rendered.
OnInitializeTaskPadCell Fires when the report’s task pad is about to be rendered.
OnMeasureReportLinkFootnotes Enables you to customize a footnote’s height. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
OnMeasureReportLinkTitle Occurs when drawing the report title before the OnCustomDrawReportLinkTitle event. Inherited from TBasedxReportLink.
See Also