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TdxPSPDFReportExportOptions.SaveToIniFile(string) Method

Saves PDF export settings to a specified INI file.


procedure SaveToIniFile(const AFileName: string); overload;


Name Type
AFileName string


Call the first overloaded procedure and pass the absolute or relative path to an INI file as the AFileName parameter. The SaveToIniFile procedure creates a new file or overwrites an existing file. Then, you can call the LoadFromIniFile procedure to load the saved settings.

The second overloaded variant accepts an open INI file as the AIniFile parameter. Additionally, you need to pass the name of a target section in the specified file. This procedure variant is useful if you have a single INI file for multiple different application settings.

A TdxPSEngineController component automatically calls the SaveToIniFile procedure when the “PDF Export Options” dialog is closed by an OK button click or an Enter keystroke if the following conditions are met:

See Also