TdxPSEngineController Class
Used to access and customize global ExpressPrinting System settings.
TdxPSEngineController = class(
All ExpressPrinting System components, dialogs, and windows use settings provided by the currently active TdxPSEngineController component. The settings include:
Dialog and window paint styles (DialogsLookAndFeel and PreviewDialogStyle).
The help file associated with the application that uses the ExpressPrinting System (HelpFile).
Options that specify the manner in which ExpressPrinting System settings are automatically persisted between application runs (OptionsStoring).
You may place several TdxPSEngineController components onto a form. To specify which of these components is active and is used by the ExpressPrinting System, use the component’s Activate method or the Active property. The currently used options can also be accessed and customized via the dxPSEngine global function.