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TdxLayoutContainer Methods

The base class for layout element containers.
Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginTranslation Enables the translation mode for the container’s layout element captions.
BeginUpdate Disables refresh operations on the layout control.
CancelLastUndo Reverts the layout prior to the last modification, and decrements the TdxUndoRedoManager.UndoCount property.
CancelUpdate Enables updates to the layout control.
Clear Removes all the layout elements (including hidden elements) from the container.
ClientToScreen(TPoint) Converts the Point’s layout control coordinates into screen coordinates.
CloneItem(TdxCustomLayoutItem,TdxCustomLayoutGroup) Creates the AItem’s clone.
CreateAlignmentConstraint Creates the TdxLayoutAlignmentConstraint object.
CreateGroup(TdxCustomLayoutGroupClass,TdxCustomLayoutGroup) Creates a new layout group.
CreateItem(TdxCustomLayoutItemClass,TdxCustomLayoutGroup) Creates a new layout item.
CreateItemForControl(TControl,TdxCustomLayoutGroup) Creates a new layout item for an existing control, and places it within a specified layout group.
DestroyComponents Inherited from TComponent.
Destroying Inherited from TComponent.
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndTranslation Disables the translation mode for the container’s layout element captions.
EndUpdate(Boolean) Enables refresh operations on the layout control, and invalidates the control.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
FindComponent(String) Inherited from TComponent.
FindItem(string) Finds a layout item by its name or by a specific control (or its handle) associated with the item.
FreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeOnRelease Inherited from TComponent.
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetHitTest(Integer,Integer) Returns the HitTest object that identifies a visual element at a specified point.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetParentComponent Inherited from TComponent.
GetTabOrderList(TList) Populates List with contained controls in tab order.
HasParent Inherited from TComponent.
InsertComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
InvalidateRect(TRect,Boolean) Adds the region occupied by a control rectangle to a specified window’s update region. The update region represents a portion of the control client area that must be redrawn.
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) Inherited from TComponent.
Loaded Inherited from TComponent.
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
RestoreFromIniFile(string,string) Restores the layout information from an INI file that was previously saved by the StoreToIniFile method.
RestoreFromRegistry(string,string) Restores the layout information from the registry that was previously saved by the StoreToRegistry method.
RestoreFromStorage(string,TcxCustomReaderClass,string) Restores the layout information from a custom storage that was previously saved by the StoreToStorage method.
RestoreFromStream(TStream,string) Restores the layout information from a stream that was previously saved by the StoreToStream method.
SaveToUndo Saves the layout information to a stream, and then adds the layout to the undo operations list.
ScreenToClient(TPoint) Converts the Point’s screen coordinates into layout control coordinates.
SetParentComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
SetSubComponent(Boolean) Inherited from TComponent.
StoreToIniFile(string,Boolean,string) Saves the layout information to an INI file.
StoreToRegistry(string,Boolean,string) Saves the layout information to the registry.
StoreToStorage(string,TcxCustomWriterClass,Boolean,string) Saves the layout information to a custom storage.
StoreToStream(TStream,string) Saves the layout information to a stream.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
Update Forces the layout control to update.
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
See Also