TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleOptionsView Class
The base class for the quantitative scale appearance settings.
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleOptionsView = class(
This class implements settings common to the TdxGaugeLinearScaleOptionsView and TdxGaugeArcQuantitativeScaleOptionsView classes.
The TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleOptionsView class extends its ancestor class with the following properties that allow you to:
Set the range of values displayed by a quantitative scale (the MinValue and MaxValue properties);
Hide and display tick marks on a scale (the ShowFirstTick, ShowLastTick, and ShowTicks properties);
Set the number of major (labeled) and minor ticks on a scale (the MajorTickCount and MinorTickCount properties);
Enable the logarithmic scale mode and set the logarithm base for calculation of a scale (the LogarithmicBase property);
Hide or display the labels located at major tick marks (the ShowLabels property);
Customize the label font settings (the Font property).
You do not need to create instances of the TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleOptionsView class. Use the TdxGaugeArcQuantitativeScaleOptionsView and TdxGaugeLinearScaleOptionsView classes instead.