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TdxCustomGaugeControl.AddScale(TdxGaugeCustomScaleClass) Method

Adds the scale object of the specified type to the Gauge Control.


function AddScale(AScaleClass: TdxGaugeCustomScaleClass): TdxGaugeCustomScale;


Name Type
AScaleClass TdxGaugeCustomScaleClass




Invoke this function to add either the custom or standard scale to the ExpressGauge control area at runtime. The AScaleClass parameter specifies a particular scale class, inherited from the TdxGaugeCustomScale class. The AddScale function returns the generic form of a particular scale object. If you need to access the scale’s type-specific properties, cast the returned object to the required scale type:

  ACircularScale TdxGaugeCircularScale; // Use this variable to address the circular scale-specific properties
  ACircularScale := TdxGaugeCircularScale(dxGaugeControl1.AddScale(TdxGaugeCircularScale)); // Add a circular scale
// Accessing the circular scale-specific property
  ACircularScale.RadiusFactor := 0.4;

You can also invoke the AddScale function instead of using the specialized AddContainer function in order to create container scales:

  AContainer: TdxGaugeContainerScale;  // Use this variable to address the container scale-specific properties
  AContainer := dxGaugeControl1.AddScale(TdxGaugeControlContainerScale) as TdxGaugeContainerScale;  // Create a container scale

Alternatively, you can use the use the Add method, implemented in the TdxGaugeScaleCollection to programmatically create a scale within the Gauge Control instance.


Use the Clear and DeleteScale methods to remove scales (including containers) from the ExpressGauge control programmatically.

See Also