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TdxZone.ValidateResizeZone(TdxCustomDockControl,TdxCustomDockControl) Method

Returns a value indicating whether a resize zone of this type should be added to the specified control’s resize zones list.


class function ValidateResizeZone(AOwner: TdxCustomDockControl; AControl: TdxCustomDockControl): Boolean; virtual;


Name Type
AOwner TdxCustomDockControl
AControl TdxCustomDockControl




Each time the layout of dock controls change, they recalculate their lists of resize zones. Note that if a control is within a container, the control’s resize zone list is populated by zones specified by its container.

The ValidateResizeZone method is used to determine whether a zone of a specific type should be added to the control’s resize zones list. The AOwner parameter specifies the control whose resize zones are used to fill the control’s zones. The AControl parameter represents the control whose resize zones list is updated. Note that the AOwner and AControl parameters are the same if the control is not within a container. In other words, if these two parameters are identical, the control must fill its resize zones list itself. Otherwise, the AOwner control fills resize zones of the AControl control.

The ValidateResizeZone method returns True if a zone of the current type should be added to the control’s resize zones list. This method’s return value is used internally to determine which zone types are required by the control. You can also use this method when filling the resize zones list manually. Handle the OnUpdateResizeZones event of the desired dock control to implement this.

See Also