TdxTileControlItem Class
A tile item.
TdxTileControlItem = class(
This class extends its ancestor with members that allow you to:
Hide or display the tile item (Visible);
Scroll the control’s content to fit the tile item within the client area (MakeVisible);
Move the tile item within its group and across groups (Move, Group, GroupIndex, and IndexInGroup);
Identify the tile item’s position within the control (IsMostLeft and IsMostRight);
Manage the tile item’s frames and customize their animation settings (Frames, AnimationInterval, and AnimationMode);
Switch between the available tile frames (ActiveFrame and ActiveFrameIndex);
Respond to changing the active tile frame (OnActiveFrameChanged);
Assign a detail page control and adjust its settings (DetailOptions);
Activate and deactivate the tile item’s detail page (ActivateDetail, Click, and DeactivateDetail);
Provide tile images and adjust their settings (Glyph and GalleryImages);
Customize item layout persistence settings (OnGetStoredProperties, OnGetStoredPropertyValue, and OnSetStoredPropertyValue).
Enclose the code applying multiple modifications to a tile item between the tile/tile bar control’s BeginUpdate and EndUpdate procedure calls to improve performance by preventing repeated content repainting.
TdxTileControlItem objects are stored within a tile control’s Items collection and can be created by calling the tile control’s CreateItem function.