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Create(TdxAlphaColor,TdxAlphaColor) Constructor

Creates a palette item with specified primary and secondary colors.


constructor Create(AColor: TdxAlphaColor; AColor2: TdxAlphaColor); overload;


Name Type Description
AColor TdxAlphaColor

Specifies the primary color of the created palette item.

This parameter value initializes the Color field.

AColor2 TdxAlphaColor

Specifies the secondary color of the created palette item. Secondary palette colors are used only in gradient or hatch fill modes.

This parameter value initializes the Color2 field.


Call this constructor to create a new palette item for a user palette. Assign the created item to the palette’s Items property as demonstrated in the code example below.

Code Example: Create and Populate a User Palette

The code example below creates a user palette, populates it with three sets of different primary and secondary colors, and applies the created palette to a Chart control with three simple Bar series. All series bars are filled with vertical linear gradients.

  AChartPalette: TdxChartUserPalette;
  AChartPalette := dxChartPaletteRepository1.CreateItem('My Palette 1');
  AChartPalette.Count := 3;  // Sets the size of the palette item array
  AChartPalette.Items[0] := TdxChartPaletteItem.Create(TdxAlphaColors.RosyBrown, TdxAlphaColors.Red);
  AChartPalette.Items[1] := TdxChartPaletteItem.Create(TdxAlphaColors.LightGreen, TdxAlphaColors.Green);
  AChartPalette.Items[2] := TdxChartPaletteItem.Create(TdxAlphaColors.LightBlue, TdxAlphaColors.Blue);
  dxChartControl1.Palette := AChartPalette; // Applies the created palette to a Chart control

VCL Chart Control: A Custom Palette with Two Color Pairs for Gradients

See Also