TdxBarDockControl Properties
The TdxBarDockControl object represents an external dock control on a form.Name | Description |
Action | Inherited from TControl. |
Align | Specifies the layout of a specific external dock control. |
AlignDisabled | Inherited from TWinControl. |
AlignWithMargins | Inherited from TControl. |
AllowDocking | Specifies whether toolbars can be docked to this dock control. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
AllowZeroSizeInDesignTime | Specifies whether to display an empty external dock control at design time. |
Anchors | Inherited from TControl. |
AutoSize | Inherited from TControl. |
BackgroundBitmap | Specifies the background image for dock control. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
BarManager | Specifies a bar manager that owns the current dock control. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
Bars | Provides access to toolbars that reside within the current dock control. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
BevelEdges | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelInner | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelKind | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelOuter | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BevelWidth | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BiDiMode | Inherited from TControl. |
BorderWidth | Inherited from TWinControl. |
BoundsRect | Inherited from TControl. |
Brush | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Canvas | Inherited from TCustomControl. |
Caption | Inherited from TControl. |
ClientHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
ClientOrigin | Inherited from TControl. |
ClientRect | Inherited from TControl. |
ClientWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
Color | Inherited from TControl. |
ComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentCount | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentIndex | Inherited from TComponent. |
Components | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentState | Inherited from TComponent. |
ComponentStyle | Inherited from TComponent. |
Constraints | Inherited from TControl. |
ControlCount | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Controls | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ControlState | Inherited from TControl. |
ControlStyle | Inherited from TControl. |
Ctl3D | Inherited from TWinControl. |
CurrentPPI | Inherited from TControl. |
Cursor | Inherited from TControl. |
CustomHint | Inherited from TControl. |
DesignInfo | Inherited from TComponent. |
DockClientCount | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DockClients | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DockingStyle | Indicates the dock control’s docking style. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
DockManager | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DockOrientation | Inherited from TControl. |
DockSite | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DoubleBuffered | Inherited from TWinControl. |
DragCursor | Inherited from TControl. |
DragKind | Inherited from TControl. |
DragMode | Inherited from TControl. |
Enabled | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitLeft | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitTop | Inherited from TControl. |
ExplicitWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
Floating | Inherited from TControl. |
FloatingDockSiteClass | Inherited from TControl. |
Font | Inherited from TControl. |
Handle | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Height | Inherited from TControl. |
HelpContext | Inherited from TControl. |
HelpKeyword | Inherited from TControl. |
HelpType | Inherited from TControl. |
Hint | Inherited from TControl. |
HostDockSite | Inherited from TControl. |
ImeMode | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ImeName | Inherited from TWinControl. |
IsDestroying | Identifies if the control is about to be destroyed. Inherited from TcxCustomControl. |
IsDrawingLocked | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Left | Inherited from TControl. |
LRDockWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
Margins | Inherited from TControl. |
MouseCapture | Inherited from TControl. |
MouseInClient | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Name | Inherited from TComponent. |
Observers | Inherited from TComponent. |
Owner | Inherited from TComponent. |
Padding | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Parent | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentBackground | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ParentBiDiMode | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentColor | Specifies whether the parent control provides the color information for the current external dock control. |
ParentCtl3D | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ParentCustomHint | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentDoubleBuffered | Inherited from TWinControl. |
ParentFont | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentShowHint | Inherited from TControl. |
ParentWindow | Inherited from TWinControl. |
PixelsPerInch | Inherited from TWinControl. |
PopupMenu | Inherited from TControl. |
RaiseOnNonMainThreadUsage | Inherited from TControl. |
RedrawDisabled | Inherited from TWinControl. |
RowCount | Returns the number of dock rows within the current dock control. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
RowList | Provides access to the list of dock rows. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
Rows | Provides access to the list of dock rows within the current dock control. Inherited from TdxDockControl. |
ScaleFactor | Inherited from TControl. |
ShowHint | Inherited from TControl. |
Showing | Inherited from TWinControl. |
StyleElements | Inherited from TControl. |
StyleName | Inherited from TControl. |
SunkenBorder | Specifies whether an external dock control has a sunken border. |
TabOrder | Inherited from TWinControl. |
TabStop | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Tag | Inherited from TComponent. |
TBDockHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
Text | Inherited from TControl. |
TipMode | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Top | Inherited from TControl. |
Touch | Inherited from TControl. |
UndockHeight | Inherited from TControl. |
UndockWidth | Inherited from TControl. |
UseDockManager | Inherited from TWinControl. |
UseOwnColor | Specifies whether an external dock control is drawn using its own color. |
UseOwnSunkenBorder | Specifies whether an external dock control’s border is drawn using its own border settings. |
VCLComObject | Inherited from TComponent. |
Visible | Inherited from TControl. |
VisibleDockClientCount | Inherited from TWinControl. |
Width | Inherited from TControl. |
WindowProc | Inherited from TControl. |
See Also