TcxTreeListSummaryItem.OnGetText Event
In This Article
Enables you to provide custom display text for the current summary’s cell value.
property OnGetText: TcxTreeListSummaryItemGetTextEvent read; write;
The Sender parameter identifies the summary whose display text is to be determined.
The AValue parameter returns the summary’s value.
Return custom display text for the summary value via the AText parameter. By default, this parameter is assigned the summary’s value, which is formatted according to the Kind and Format properties.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to replace summary values with human readable strings.
procedure <Form>.FooterSummaryItems0GetText(
Sender: TcxTreeListSummaryItem; const AValue: Variant;
var AText: String);
if (AValue < 1000) then
AText := 'Less than 1000'
AText := 'Equal to or Greater than 1000';
See Also