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TcxTreeListColumnPosition.SetPosition(Integer,Integer,Boolean) Method

Moves the column within its band.


procedure SetPosition(AColIndex: Integer; ARowIndex: Integer; IsInsertRow: Boolean = False);


Name Type
AColIndex Integer
ARowIndex Integer
IsInsertRow Boolean


Call this method to simultaneously change the column’s Position.ColIndex and Position.RowIndex property values. New property values are passed as the AColIndex and ARowIndex parameters.

The IsInsertRow parameter value is ignored. To make a column occupy an entire row in a band, call the SetPositionEx method and pass True as the IsInsertRow parameter.

The SetPositionEx method represents an extended version of the SetPosition method. Call the SetPositionEx method to move a column to a certain band or make this column occupy an entire row in a band.

See Also