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TcxSchedulerTimeGridSelectionBarCell Properties

Contains rendering data on the time selection bar.
Name Description
AlignHorz Specifies the horizontal contents alignment in the unit cell. Inherited from TcxSchedulerTimeGridScaleCell.
AlignVert Specifies the vertical contents alignment in the unit cell. Inherited from TcxSchedulerTimeGridScaleCell.
Bitmap Specifies the background bitmap of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
BorderColor Specifies the color of the unit’s border. Inherited from TcxSchedulerTimeGridScaleCell.
Borders Specifies the current element’s borders. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Bounds Gets the current element’s rectangle. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Canvas Represents the surface on which the required element will be drawn. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
ClipRect Gets the current element’s clipping rectangle. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Color Specifies the background color of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
DisplayText Specifies the text which will be drawn within the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Font Gets the font of the output text of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Height Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Painter Provides access to the painter class used to paint the scheduling area‘s elements. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Selected Determines whether the currently processed unit of the time selection bar is selected.
TextBounds Inherited from TcxSchedulerTimeGridMinorScaleCell.
TextColor Specifies the color of the output text in the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
TimeFinish Gets the end time of the rightmost unit currently visible in the scheduling area. Inherited from TcxSchedulerTimeGridScaleCell.
TimeStart Gets the start time of the rightmost unit currently visible in the scheduling area. Inherited from TcxSchedulerTimeGridScaleCell.
Transparent Specifies whether the background of the current element will be drawn. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
UseRightToLeftAlignment Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
ViewParams Gets the style attributes of the scheduling area‘s current element. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Visible Gets whether the current element will be drawn within the scheduling area. Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
Width Inherited from TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem.
See Also