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TcxSchedulerDateNavigatorHitTest Properties

Stores HitTest information for the Date Navigator.
Name Description
HitAtCalendar Returns whether the test point belongs to the Date Navigator‘s calendar.
HitAtControl Returns whether the test point belongs to the scheduling area or the Date Navigator. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControlHitTest.
HitAtDayCaptions Returns whether the test point belongs to the day caption.
HitAtMonthName Returns whether the test point belongs to the Date Navigator‘s month header.
HitAtNextMonth Returns whether the test point belongs to the right arrow scroll button, located to the right of the Date Navigator header.
HitAtPrevMonth Returns whether the test point belongs to the left arrow scroll button, located to the left of the Date Navigator header.
HitAtTime Returns whether the test point belongs to the time element of the scheduling area or the Date Navigator. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControlHitTest.
HitAtWeekSelectionBar Returns whether the test point belongs to the week numbers, located on the left side of the Date Navigator.
HitPoint Specifies the client coordinates of the test point in pixels. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControlHitTest.
HitX Specifies the horizontal client coordinate of the test point in pixels. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControlHitTest.
HitY Specifies the vertical client coordinate of the test point in pixels. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControlHitTest.
Time Returns the date and/or time if the test point belongs to the scheduling area or Date Navigator. Inherited from TcxSchedulerSubControlHitTest.
See Also