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TcxSchedulerAggregateStorage Events

The TcxSchedulerAggregateStorage implements the aggregate storage component.
Name Description
OnEventDeleted protected Fires when AEvent is about to be deleted from storage and memory. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
OnEventInserted protected Fires before the AEvent object is added to storage. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
OnEventInserting Allows you to perform any actions, prior to posting a new user event to storage.
OnEventIntersect Fires when AEvent1 and AEvent2 are about to be overlapped. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
OnEventModified protected Fires before the AEvent object is updated in storage. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
OnFilterEvent Fires every time the AEvent instance is about to be loaded into the scheduler cache for displaying by the scheduler. Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
RemindersEvents Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
ResourcesEvents Inherited from TcxCustomSchedulerStorage.
See Also