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TcxGridColumnSummary Members

Represents a set of options that determine the kind and appearance of a column’s footer and group summaries.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomGridTableItem) Initializes a new instance of the TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions.
Create(TPersistent) Initializes a new instance of the TcxInterfacedPersistent class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.


Name Description
FooterFormat Specifies the format pattern that controls the manner in which a column’s footer summary value is displayed.
FooterKind Specifies the kind of footer summary to calculate for a column.
GridView Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions.
GroupFooterFormat Specifies the format pattern that controls the manner in which a column’s group summary value is displayed in group footer panels.
GroupFooterKind Specifies the kind of group summary to calculate for a column and display in group footer panels.
GroupFormat Specifies the format pattern that controls the manner in which a column’s group summary value is displayed in group rows.
GroupKind Specifies the kind of group summary to calculate for a column and display in group rows.
Item Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItemCustomOptions.
Owner Provides access to the control or its object to which the persisted settings belong. Inherited from TcxInterfacedPersistent.
SortByGroupFooterSummary Specifies whether a column’s group summary values displayed in group footer panels are used to sort data groups.
SortByGroupSummary Specifies whether a column’s group summary values displayed in group rows are used to sort data groups.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also